
From Masq
Revision as of 13:52, 22 November 2010 by Jai (Talk | contribs)

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Various snippets of code can make one's life easier (or more complicated), and this is where you can grab them for your character.

Texting Code

&cmd-text me=$+text *=*:think if(isdbref(num(*%0)),[if(lte(strlen(%1),160),[u(fun-text_send,%0,%1)],[u(fun-text_proc,%0,%1)])],"%0" doesn't seem to be a valid player. Please try again!)
&fun-text_proc me=[setq(0,%1)][setq(1,mid(%q0,0,160))][if(match(mid(%q0,160,1), ),[setq(0,mid(%q0,160,strlen(%q0)))],[setq(2,[strtrunc(%q1,sub(strlen(%q1),strlen(last(%q1))))])][setq(1,%q2)][setq(0,mid(%q0,strlen(%q2),strlen(%q0)))])][u(fun-text_send,%0,%q1)][if(strlen(%q0),u(fun-text_proc,%0,%q0))]
&fun-text_send me=[pemit(%#,You text to [name(*%0)]: %1)][pemit(num(*%0),You receive a text from %N: %1)]