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From Masq

Revision as of 02:18, 23 April 2011

Because you guys asked for it...I present you FANFICTION. However, not Slash. Slash comes later. Oo baby. PS: wiki wizzes, feel free to pimp my format...



Part One

Author's Notes: I LUV MASQ!!~!! its like the best thing EVER an i wanted to do something fun w/my fave chars. so hers part1 of BEHIND THE MASK. Plz comment n thumbs up!!!1

It was 8:00 PM and raining outside so the world was dark (AN: lawl~). Liane was just coming out of class which wasnt fun bcuz even tho she's super smart, smart enuff to be in MENSA shes really shy so she doesnt raise her hand to answer any questions except when some1 answers 1 wrong and she corrects them bcuz she's the teacher's asistent. Suddenly she heard a scream n went 2 check it out n then she saw something unreall!!!!!

Their was this huge man liek eight feet tall w/o a shirt and covered in hair n he had a head like a dogs! An behind him in the shadows they're was a man dressed in an armani suit with prada shoes. He had black hair and red eyes. All his clothes were black expect for a red hankerchef in his pocket and he was really pale. He had a god watch too that looked real and really pointy teeth sticking out from his lips. The hair guy wore jeans n had on a leather vest. OMG Annie thought as she saw them n hid behind a dumpster. Wat culd they be?

'you'd better get out of here u moskweeto this is my territory' the woflman said. His voice was like a dog's growl.

'Out of my way u dont scare me fleabag. i don't have to listen to u!' the vampire said arrogantly in a sexy deep voice and then grew claws!!! They were long and really sharp!!!!

The werewolf growled and the 2 began fighting n both of them went into a Frenzy n it was really dangerous. Liane was scared but to curious to leave bcuz she thought she recognised 1 of the voice so she moved closer. Suddenly both of them heard her n they turned to look at her!!

'I smell lunch' the vampyr sad, licking his lips n his eyes glowed red. "She's mine" growled the werewolf." 'let's capture her and then we can decide wat to do with her' the vampire suggested. 'okay'

OMG have i gone crazy again??? Liane thought to herself, but no the two things were approaching!

"ANNIE GET DOWN" a woman's voice shouted n Liane ducked n bullets flew over her head!! Only they werent bullets they were those dart thinks with the fluffy tips wich r used to make animals fall asleep. They hit the werwolve and he screams n falls 2 the ground n the vampire n Liane looks around and they'res Petra on the rooftop with a crossbow!! Shes wearing a skintight leather jumpsuit with a zipper in the front n some really cool stiletto heels n black sunglasses and a trenchcoat that blows in the wind.

"Oh my gosh is that u wat are u doing Petra???" Liane gasps n the vampire says 'Dont shoot or ill drain your blood1"

'Quik Annie climb up the fier escape while i handle this bludsukker.' Petra exclaims as she jumps down from the roof. The vampire attacks her with his claw but Petra pulls out a sword n she stabs him!! Hes already injured from the fight with the wherewolf so he runs away. "Annie lets go we." Petra says, grabing Lianes arm n dragging her out the alley n into a cab.

"Jai quick thers a vampire n he's calling his friends we have to get away they attacked Annie." Petra explains as she kisses Jai hello bcuz their dating. "Okay Mistress" Jai says happily n then he throws some dust on the grrlz. Liane sneezes n when she opens her eyes suddenly evryting is diffrent!!!!!

Jai now has pointy ears n long black hair. He has earrings n studs all over his really long ears. His hair is long silky now, and he looks kind of hot. "OMG wut is goin on???" Liane says n she bursts crying bcuz so much has happened 2day.

"Sory Annie." Petra sez you got attacked by a vampire n a wherewulf and jai and i saved u bcuz we're akchully not nromal ppl." Petra sez.

"im an elf only not like santas lol." jai seys. "i'm like legolas except I'm an urban elf from teh Dreaming." "And i'm actually the dotter of 2 russhen spies but i was born here cuz my mom n dad retired n raised me in america n i didnt know until they died.' Petra says and she cried it was only 1 tear but she loocked really sad.

'Its okay petra.' Liane says n she stopped crying bcuz petra's life was so much sadder than hers. 'wut's the dreaming n where r u taking me?" Line asked politely but it wuz obvious she wanted an answer.

"2 go see some1 who can keep u safe since I didnt kill the vanpire." petra explains carefuly. \

"Yeah ur weak liane so we have 2 take u somewhere safe. N theres a guy who can do that. Mistress sometimes works 4 him." Jai explains as they drive thru the dreaming n get 2 a church realy fast.

"sorry for being week." liane says humbly even tho shes secretly a master of ninjitsu like nartuo but she took a vow of pasificism. "I dont liek hurtin ppl" then they get out of the taxi n are at the church.

Its San filips but its really big and ornate and since its dark it looks a little scary when theywalk in. Then they walk up 2 the altar n theres two boys there w/dark hair n pale skin. The smaller boy was neeling in front of the cross n praying n the moonlit shone right on him. He wore really faded blu jeans n messed up sneakers but a white choir boy's robes over his shirt. The taller boy was in the shadows so u couldnt see him very well but he had black hair with red streaks. He was wearing all black leather with a wilver belt buckle shaped like a cross n he had a black trenchcoat with a red cross on the back. his sleeves had red crosses on them to n the trenchcoat was lined w/fur.

'hey Alex' petra calls out with a smirk and jai looks a little upset but not really. the young guy in the shadows looks liek 18 or 19 n he nods towards petra and jai and looks at liane but she doesnt notice bcuz she's looking at the cross n praying cuz she's catolik. 'this is annie shes our friends n vampires and a werewofl attacked her' Jai explains. 'shes normal n scared so we thought He could protect her.'

"he's busy whyy shuld we help u." Alex said n he smirked. 'you guys r weak u should have managed to kill them i bet i could.' then the boy who wus praying turned in liane gasped cuz he was really young n innocent looking but his eyes were hazel n changed colors depending on his mood n really keen and smart n filled w/intelligence n secrets. He looked young but his eyes were really old liek he'd seen more thne his 15 yrs let him n hehad an aura of peace around him.

"Alex we have 2 help them." the boy said quietly

"but wes," alex whined with a scowl 'they're outsiders n this will put u in danger'

"thats okay u'll be here 2 save me" the boy says confidentally. 'but we have 2 help her she's in trouble. It's important.' Weston said with a small mystirious smile. 'Liane is very importint n she believes in God.'

'Yes i do its nice to meet you.' Liane finally says. 'who r u plz' "My name is Weston n I live in the church. i think of God as my father n i try to be a good person'. Wes explained, n the moonlite glittered around him n he looked really holy like a picture of n angel except w/o the wings. 'dont worry liane we can help protect u n teach you where you came from."

jai and petra looked confused n so did Liane. "came from but i came from new york" she says.

"no thats were u wer born." wes explains "but u r secretly............an incarnae spirit!" he says dramatically. Alex n Jai gasp n petra faints~!!!

LOL TY for reding pt1~ <3 <(^_^)> If i get 10 gud revies ill post pt2!!!!


  • OMG OMG OMG this is lyk the BEST story evar i lyk how theirs lyk conflykt and stuff and you shud wryte pat 2 lyk tonyte ok? Also cn i be in it moar? OMG i haf 2 no wut happens! Thums lyk way up totly! -- JDMlol <3 <3 <3
  • ogod that wz so kewl!!1 i luv tat u put me in it cuz were liek best frenz n i luv teh partz wiff me in dem da bestest. can i hav a vampyre baby taht wud be so sad cuz she hatez vampz n how wud she tel jai??? also teh baby cud be supr hawt cuz petar is so prety - P
    • OMG yah n then lyk Alex cud fall in luv with her at byrth cuz theyd be lyk made 4 each other thatd b so romantyk lol! - J
      • LOL n then jai cud fall in liv wff preta's baby n its lik a cirlce of luv <3 - K
        • well they cant BOTH fall in luv with the babie, thats just sylly. i mean if its not lyk preordaynd solemats then its kynda creepy lyk pedo or somthin, ew - J
          • y not? its not jais baby cuz itz vamp and thers no vamp elvs thats just dum LOL they cud fite orve her and wach her gro up n jai wud nevr age cuz hes elf so its olny gross if alex dos it unlss hs specil too OMG mebe hs the vamp!!!1 - K
            • cuz jais alredy in luv with petra duh. i mean its not lyk a vampyres gonna styck around n tk care of a babbie, it prolly lyk hypnotzd petar into geting pregers 2 start with so now she totly nedz some1 she can cont on. but omg if alexs the vamp yah thatd be awsom but way worse if he was in luv with the babie. also how cum elfs cant be vaps also? i mean if they want 2 - J
              • OMG u dont red nethng n00b twilgnt sex vmaps can luv n luv 4evr so it cud tlly happen u jes hav a crush on ptera LOL but thz ok cuz sehs wya col - K
                • LOLOLOLOL dun be mean 2 my bf karu lolol cuz i wil use my crosbw n kil u lolololol I LUV U JAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 - P
                  • u juz wat perta n jai cuz im tolla gonna shwo up n teh fix an be lik LOL u r so frst caphter - K
  • this remnded me so muhc of my lif and vampz nevr com 4 me so I think a vamp shud luv liane becuz that wud be so romantyk and liane is lik evry nrml prson evn tho shes incarnee - K
  • i like this alot its writen really good i wish i could write liek u but i cant so i'll just put commments lol but srsly its rly good pls write more ok. also can u write where the vampyrs and werewolf love eachother but their not allowed to. its rly good thx<3 - JBG
  • My eyes, they are bleeding! - Ren.
  • OMG u put a cliffhngr. plz plz plz rite moar. im on th edg ov mah seet. r u gnna put zombees in it? - T
    • OH yuz put n zombees cuz zombees are lke vamps cuz thy unded 2! + thy can haz babeez plzkthx? -D
  • when is edwurd gonna sho up????? -booTfulbella

Part Two

OMG reun ur such a h8er!! :'( stop bing jellus dat my fic gets morr views then urs!!!! and ty guiz for comminting im glad you liked it cuz i worked supre hard on this fic!!!

Its 1 wk l8er n Annie has been living n teh cherch w/Alex and Wes. Wes is rly smart n explains to her all abut sprits and vapmyrs