
From Masq
Revision as of 07:32, 26 January 2013 by Jai (Talk | contribs)

Category: Backgrounds
Reference: Bastet (2nd edition/WW3075), page 84.


x : Doesn't anyone talk around here?
• : Gossip (affairs, minor bribes, the president's bad habits).
•• : Interesting tidbits (which cops are on the take, the mayor's mistress and her address, "proof" of alien contact).
••• : Serious dirt (corrupt politicians, Kindred politics).
•••• : Frightening dirt (the governor's black book, an elder vampire's haven, the second gunman on the grassy knoll).
••••• : A danger to others and yourself (a capo's bank account, an archwizard's True Name, plans for an upcoming invasion of China).

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