Other People's Secrets

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Category: Backgrounds
Reference: Corax (2nd edition/WW3077), page 70.

Everyone's got their secrets. Some folks have Other People's Secrets. Said Other People rarely appreciate that fact, if they find out. The thing is, of course, that's what Corax are for: to uncover that hidden information wherever it may lie; to dig up and store all the information they possibly can. These secrets might be about another supernatural creature, or about an entire race or breed. Whatever it is, other Corax want to know it, and someone else doesn't want anyone to.

While this background is similar to Secrets, those are a bit more generic; Other People's Secrets definitely has a nastier, dirtier connotation, things you're definitely not supposed to know... not simply gossip, but things that are dangerous, and possibly fatal, to you or others if the wrong people get hold of them.

x : Man, people and their privacy.
• : A small secret.
•• : A Gift, rite, or other moderately important matter.
••• : A matter of life of death for someone.
•••• : Not earth-shattering, but important on a city-wide scale.
••••• : Something no Corax should have a right to know &mdash such as a Yava, or the sleeping place of an Antediluvian.

Available to: Corax.