
From Masq
Revision as of 19:37, 22 August 2013 by Rostiphan (Talk | contribs)

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A man that looks to be around thirty, give or take a few years. He stands at average height - a a few inches beneath six feet would seem a solid guess. The top of his head is covered in orangish-red hair, which seems to have grown just a bit longer than might be considered perfectly proper, but he wears it well.
The man's build is light, almost gangly, but his demeanor seems to make it work somehow - a rather handsome face, with the look of someone who has a quick smile.He seems to be wearing the attire of a doctor: a knee-length pristinely white lab coat, pressed perfectly, over a medium blue dress shirt and a silver tie. Beneath, he wears black dress slacks, and immaculately-shined black shoes
It's clear from the way he moves that this man's right leg is not quite right. He moves with limp that would be neigh impossible to miss, even if he didn't walk with an ornately-carved wooden cane at all times, using it to support his weight.