Jai - Crappy New Year/Setting

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Revision as of 07:44, 3 January 2011 by Jai (Talk | contribs)

Lomas Blvd: 400 East -- Albuquerque

 Away from the immediate hustle and bustle of the University of New Mexico, this area of Lomas seems to be average for Albuquerque. There's a fair mix between residential and commercial structures, but most of the buildings are low and sturdy. Sporting a combination of Spanish and native Pueblo architecture, most structures have the typical red roof tiles and dusty adobe-style walls which are a reminder of the natural environment in this area of the city.

 During the day, there is a fair amount of foot traffic through this area, especially through the Lomas Shopping Center, which contains a variety of shops, restaurants, and other businesses. In the evening, things slow down a bit, although local dining establishments continue to see an influx of customers well into the night.

Obvious exits:
Herbal Apothecary <HA> Lomas Shopping Center <LSC> Shopping Center Parking <P> West <W> East <E>