Cole - First Show

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[KABQ] Cole's husky, but youthful voice fills the mic after an intro of soundbites over 'gimme three steps', "Alright, it's the midnight Drive and I'm your host Cole Young. So it's a little ackward for me, I'm sure we all feel it.. that electric vibe, the sliding temptation of possibility. Bad chinese, whatever. So, let's get this show on the road, shall we? Tonight's sort of a special night for me. First night in the studio, so forgive me being a little ackward. I dig it, it's like the first kiss, but the girl can electricute you. Second base is dangerous as hell, that's all I'm saying. First song, always an important question, right? It sets the tempo for your whole career, so... what to chose.. Ah." the familiar guitar over piano begins softly, "A little Queen.. This is Under Pressure. And so am I." The song begins in ernest.

[KABQ] Cole returns after the commericial's following 'Under Pressure', "So I don't want to start things off with trivia, but I do have a fun fact for ya'll. Pluto, the smallest planet, is nolonger a planet as defined by the scientific community. huh.." a pause, then, "That just seems like they're picking on the little guy to me. I mean, I grew up and everything sort of made sense.. Nine's a good number, I think anyways, but now they come along and give our baby brother planet the axe? It just has a 'sending you down to the minors' feel, is all I'm saying. And just in time too, since not a year before they found moons surrounding the ice block. He's sitting out there, feeling good about himself, then.. bam.. identity chrisis. Maybe the scientists thought he was getting a bit high on his frozen horse. This is just a new form of manifest destiny, if you ask me.. Mayan's had that all in order when they were formulating their mystical calender. Except the 'things' that are going to destroy us? Scientists. I'm convinced of it."

[KABQ] Cole never really skpping a beat, "Mayans. Mm, that's always a sticky topic in it's own right. I mean, everyones starting to look at their watches here in twenty oh'eight.. Watch, window, watch window.. four years and we're all going down in a blaze of glory? Eh.. I won't pretend that I know a lot about the intricate meaning behind whatever it is they predicted, but I do know a thing or two about procrastination. Most of my college experience was an exercise in it, afterall. I'd be willing to bet that they weren't under the impression they finishing the calender up was time sinsitive. Looking around at the couple hundred years they'd laid down thinking, I'll finish this tomorrow. Not like we're all going to be extinct by twenty twelve, right? I bet if they'd known that, they'd have shortened it up a bit... Not that I'm a doomsday cultist, but If 'IM' predicting the end of the world and someone comes along and boots me? You're gonna miss the season finale of American Idol, I can promise you that.. Anyways, let's find out what ya'll think. Give us a call at three five five, five four six nine and tell me what YOU think they were thinking."

[KABQ] Cole says, "I'm going to be honest, it's a good thing there's no cameras recording me, like other live programs, because I really feel like I could squirt a tear out staring at this dead phone board. I'm going to go out on a limb and say there's a lot of Mayan's listening.. if so, write more calender, you've got people scared. Until then, let's listen to some music." A pause, "Ah, this is KABQ Hard Drive with some Radiohead." 'Creep' fades in slowly.

[KABQ] Cole Creep fades out into a shortened version of the opening sound bite over Lynard Skynard, "Why hello, we meet again. Alright, so I was sitting back thinking of something amusing I could share about myself. You know, as an ice breaker.. since I've now angered most of the South American community.. Once, when I was about five or six, me and the family took a trip up to Georgia. I say up, since the world IS flat, and I'm from Florida. That'll be on your geography final, so you can thank me later. Anyways, here we are in Georgia, a place tenatively named after a man with siphilis, and I realized that for being the Peach state, there's hardly a peach tree anywhere.. So I got to digging on this.." He laughs, "oh jesus.. okay. I got to digging, since six year olds are all about research projects, and found out that ALL of the peaches grown in georgia, all of them, are shipped to other states.. Which is the same for Oranges in Florida and California. So- wow, I have no idea where to go with this. Except to say..." A sound bite of Liza Manelli shouting, 'Balls to you'.. "Three five five, five four six nine." PotUSA, 'Peaches' begins to play in.

[KABQ] Cole Cole comes back after another round of commericials, "This is the Hard Drive and I'm Cole Young. The voice in the dark. So, I dispise politics and figure there's enough political shows out there to properly flip the entire genre on it's ear, but I do have to point out one thing; Sarah Palin may well be the worst possible choice as a running mate since Dan Quayle. I won't get into a lengthy list about what makes this woman a nut job, a very very lengthy list, to which I would point out several times that she's from Alaska, I'll just throw my hands and lament... well, with her as Vice President, John Mccain doesn't have to worry about anyone gunning for him." A pause, "And before anyone says I'm just hating on women, I'm not. I think a woman is just as capable of being a screw up as anyone that's been in office yet, what I'm saying is Sarah Palin shouldn't be that woman. If I were a female, I'd want the 'first' president, vice president, to be the RIGHT one.. You know, start things out with your best foot forward and all that. You start throwing your weight behind someone who licks windows and we're likely to see a serious backslide. Anyways, that's enough politics, I think. It was the song, couldn't help it."

[KABQ] Cole says, "We're like the taxi cab confessions of the radio." Said completely out of nowhere following the previous rant, "Alright night owls, my hours rounding and it's time to go out seeking flapjacks and beer. I think we've come together as a people, tonight.. but even my senseless rambling must eventually end.." A sound bite of applause, "It hurts because it's true. I'm Cole Young and this is the Hard Drive. Remember, if you can't be good, be good at it, and tell them to bite you if they can't take it rough." The outro is a digitized version of 'Satisfaction'.