
From Masq
Revision as of 00:35, 25 June 2016 by Damian (Talk | contribs)

Jason is around 5'10", somewhere in his late 20's or early 30's, and about average in terms of physique; he doesn't look like he actively works out but he also hasn't let himself go, slim but not particularly muscular and only a little athletic. He has short platinum blonde hair that is parted on one side and casually combed in a slightly messy way, though with attention paid to the cut as well as subtle effort and product put into this apparently effortless style. He's a very pale lad with equally pale blue eyes, and while he's clean shaven and well groomed, he's also somewhat haggard from what seems to be lack of sleep and excessive drinking. Such are the perils of a rock and roll lifestyle, if his various affectations are to be believed.
He's dressed very nicely in a fine black suit that's been tailored to fit him perfectly, his neatly creased slacks covering the tops of new looking black boots. His deep blue dress shirt is simple and subtle, with a neatly laid black tie capping things off. To keep from looking too corporate, he has a few accessories to even himself out such as a leather belt covered in studs and a silver ram's skull buckle, a tiny sickle for a tie tack, and small white Anubis head lapel pin. He wears a lot of thick silvery rings on each of his fingers and has an excessive amount of bracelets covering his wrists under his jacket sleeves as well as a chain covered in charms under his shirt collar. Thorny black tattoo edges poke out from under his bracelets at his wrists and at the collar of his shirt, suggesting extensive ink work beneath his clothing. He has several piercings as well, including two rings in in one eyebrow, and two off center on his lower lip.
While typically broody and grumpy looking in his natural resting state, Jason is capable of a charming and boyish smile that takes years off of his appearance, and has a pretty nice voice as well. Small notes on unimportant things: He wears a pair of wire rimmed glasses for reading, the bulk of calluses are on his left hand rather than his right, and he regularly smells of whiskey and chewing gum. The suit described above is a default look, but I may often pose something else being worn.