KiMo Theatre/Places

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The Stage:
The original KiMo stage was destroyed in 1963. However, the restored stage was made to match the destroyed version. Just like in the original Theatre, the proscenium arch is painted with myriad of rain clouds, birds, and swastikas that are Navajo symbols for life, freedom and happiness. The stage is 55 feet by 26 feet with an orchestra pit for 30 to 40 musicians.

The Balcony:
When the theatre is packed, the balcony -- which spans the east to west walls without support and was designed to give and sway -- will drop four to eight inches in the middle. Not to worry -- it has been seismically reinforced! The view of the various kinds of artwork, especially the von Hassler murals, is fabulous from up here!

The General Seating section:
Now a performing arts center, the KiMo seats 700. Various levels of seating are available, but all the seats are uniformly lush and comfortable. Whether you are here for a concert, a theatrical performance, or a ballet, your viewing experience will be unique and comfortable.