From Masq
MUSH is new to some of you and probably a little daunting. To ease your feelings of panic, we offer a very basic list of commands that will get you looking around and using the various features of the game.
"<message> You say <message>. Say <message> See above. ooc <message> Makes an out-of-character (OOC) statement or pose. page <person>=<message> Pages <person> with an OOC <message>. look Shows you the room you are standing in. look <object or person> Shows the desc for that object or person. pose <message> You pose <message> ; <message> You pose <message> For example, ; grins. "Hello!" Bubba grins. "Hello!" WHO Shows a list of who is connected to the MUSH. +who Shows the locations of those set !UNFINDABLE. +staff Shows connected Staff. +staff/list Shows the active staff roster. +staff/all Shows all the staff, including non-active builder bits. NOTE: MUSH commands may be case sensitive. You can always page a staffer for help. "+beginner" recalls this file.