+file <player>
+file/read <player>/<field list>
+file/add <player>/<field>=<text>
+file/edit <player>/<field>=<oldtext>/<newtext>
+file/wipe <player>/<field>
These commands allow players to set information on themselves (where <player> is either 'me' or the character name), or let staff to do so for them.
<field> is any background the player possesses (e.g. Allies, Contacts, Equipment, etc.), or the fields 'Misc' (for miscellaneous information the player can set on themselves), 'Player' (which is set by staff, but visible to players, and generally contains miscellaneous RP-related information, including SuperKnowledge) or 'Staff' (which is set by staff, but not visible to players, and generally contains miscellaneous RP-related OOC information).
The +file/read command allows viewing of a particular set field (i.e. +file/read me/Contacts) and also allows a number of space-separated fields to be viewed sequentially (i.e. +file/read me/Equipment Allies Contacts).
+file/add me/Equipment=Bilbo's most treasured possession is a beautiful gold ring which he found while on a quest with his friends.
+file/add Bilbo/Player=Whenever Bilbo puts on the ring, he becomes "invisible," but not "inaudible." Other players should make a Perception+Alertness roll at diff 8 to "hear" Bilbo as he sneaks past.
+file/add Bilbo/Staff=Bilbo doesn't realize that his piece of jewelry is actually the One Ring, forged secretly by Sauron in the fires of Orodruin.