
From Masq
Category: Abilities
Subcategory: Primary Knowledge
Prerequisites: None
Reference: Vampire: The Masquerade (Revised edition/WW2300), page 126.

While a low or non-existant Academics score does not indicate ignorance or lack of education, a high Academics Ability does indicate time spent learning. While not verification of a degree, Academics is more a catchall for the 'soft sciences' such as philosophy, theology, art, or history. A character who is knowledgeable in these fields of study often sees the trends and is able to recall—or predict—them.

x Ignorant: Ignorant.
• Student: You're aware that 1066 is something more than a Beverly Hills area code.
•• College: You can quote from the classics, identify major cultural movements, and expound on the difference between Ming and Moghul.
••• Masters: You could get a paper published in a scholarly journal.
•••• Doctorate: Professor Emeritus.
••••• Scholar: Scholars worldwide acknowledge you as one of the foremost experts of your time.

Possessed by: Professors, Literati, Trivia Buffs, Elders
Example Specialties: Postconstructionalism, Impressionist Painting, Imperial Rome, American Realism