This is the help for the MUX comsystem. Note that the channel names and aliases are case-sensitive. Masq is configured to have a new player automatically join the 'Public' channel.
A comsys allows the various players to communicate with each other. Masq's comsys consists of one Public channel for all players and various channels set aside for various groups within the game, thus allowing each group to communicate with the other members of that group.
Most channels are considered OOC communication, though a few are IC.
@clist |
Will display the list of public channels with their owner and description. It will also display all channels you own.
Example: >@clist *** Channel Owner Description --- Public God No description. --- Staff God No description.
The alias and the channel name are case sensitive.
Using this command, you can join a pre-existing channel by specifying the alias you wish to use. If the channel is named 'Public', then you must type it with the same case. Likewise the alias is case sensitive. If you use addcom Pub=Public, then to use the channel you must type Pub Hello instead of pub Hello.
One other thing to be careful of: adding a channel multiple times with different aliases. While possible, it can be confusing.
Example: >addcom pub=Public Channel Public added with alias pub.
The channel alias allows you to use the channel, to turn it on and off and check who is online. If you have forgotten what your aliases are, see the help for 'comlist'.
'on' allows you to turn an alias/channel on.
'off' lets you turn off that alias/channel.
'who' shows you who is on that channel, which the channel name appended to the bottom.
You may send a message over the channel with <alias> <text>, where <text> is the message to be sent, or you can pose on a channel with <alias> :<text> or <alias> ;<text>
Example: > pub Hello, World! [Public] Player say, "Hello, World!"
This works like using a single alias except that it does an action for every alias you have. You can turn every alias on, or off, or see who is on every channel you subscribe to.
Example: > allcom who -- Players -- Player1 Player2 -- Objects -- -- Public -- -- Players -- Staff1 Player1 -- Objects -- -- Staff --
This command displays a list of all the channels you are connected to, the alias you're using for the channel, whether you are 'on' or 'off' on the channel and what your comtitle is.
Example: > comlist Alias Channel Status Title pub Public off Roleplay Staff staff Staff on
comtitle[/<option>] <alias>
This command allows you to prefix your name on a channel with a title. The second form contains a switch that allow you to turn on or off the ability to see comtitles. <option> can be on of the following:
on: comtitles are shown to you.
off: poses are shown to you without their comtitles.
Anonymous channels (@cset/anon) do not allow their comtitles to be turned off.
Examples: > comtitle pub=The Great and Powerful Title set to 'The Great and Powerful' on channel Public. > pub :waves to everyone. [Public] The Great and Powerful Foobar waves to everyone.
This command will erase all channel information.
The 'clearcom' command is equivalent to typing 'delcom <alias>' for each channel. It will remove you from all channels and erase your status and title.
Example: > clearcom You have left channel Public. Channel Public deleted. You have left channel Staff. Channel Staff deleted.
Deletes <alias> from your list of channel aliases. If the <alias> was the only alias for the channel, then the channel has now been effectively removed. In order to use that channel again, you will need to re-add the channel with the 'addcom' command. If you only wish to have the channel quiet for a time, then a better command is '<alias> off'.
Example: > delcom pub Channel Public deleted.
Recalls the last <number> lines from the specified channel.
Example: > pub last 4 -- Begin Comsys Recall -- [Public] Foobar has joined this channel. [Public] Foobar has left this channel. [Public] Foobar has joined this channel. [Public] Foobar says, "Hello world!" -- End Comsys Recall --
Other Examples
> pub off [Public] Foobar has left this channel.
> pub on You have joined channel Public. [Public] Foobar has joined this channel.
> pub who -- Players -- Foobar(#23PWc) Wizard(#1PWc) -- Objects -- -- Public --
> pub Hello world! [Public] Foobar says, "Hello world!"