Destiny - Creepy School/Setting

From Masq

Creepy School - Somewhere in Albuquerque

 A school that's been run down for decades, the three story building has a face only a graffiti artist can love. It's facade layer is crumbled away in many places to leave a pock marked eye sore ringed in rubble and weeds. The steps up to the large front doors are cracked and uneven, and the door itself, made of warped wood and broken glass, sticks in its frame but is openable. Windows around the school are broken in places, boarded in other, and inside the hallways and their classroom doors aren't much different. There's quite a lot of debris, old school desks and chairs, broken chalk boards and the like, as if the school wasn't well emptied out when it was abandoned. Walls are broken in places and old copper wires hang, and everywhere there is the sound of silence and the scent of dust and mold.

Facade Hallway
Hallway Foyer