
From Masq
Category: Abilities
Subcategory: Primary Talent
Prerequisites: Corax
Reference: Corax (2nd edition/WW3077), page 68.

We love to fly — and it shows! Obviously raven-born Corax had to get around somehow before the change, and they're generally pretty talented at it by the time they hit the first change. Homid-born, not so much. But with the change, even they can fly from one point to another without a, uh, "controlled flight into terrain". If that's all they can manage, though, that raven's colleagues are gonna give new meaning to the term "mockingbird". A Talent for Flight covers all the aerial acrobatics a bird might hope to pull off, from weaving through tree branches to daring dives that pull up at the very last moment, as well as navigating better, landing on precarious surfaces, or swiping an object without landing.

x Untalented: You're a chicken in a raven suit, aren'tcha?
• Novice: You can take off and land without crashing too often.
•• Practiced: Trees and buildings are no obstacle.
••• Competent: You can weave through brambles and skyscrapers with equal ease.
•••• Expert: No natural creature can keep up with you in the air.
••••• Master: Immelmans and barrel rolls? Blindfolded? No problem.

Possessed by: Corax... and no one else who really matters.
Example Specialties: Combat Maneuvers, Tailing, High-Altitude Surveillance, Dive-bombing, Aerobatics.