KiMo Cafe/Menu

From Masq
          @-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@ The KiMo Cafe Menu @-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@           

                     'Hungry'            Feed me, Seymour!           

                     'Thirsty'           A drink will cure it.            

                     'Souvenirs'         Stuff to buy.     


You look over the Cafe's food menu.
          @-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@ The KiMo Cafe Menu @-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@           

                                @-@ Snacks @-@                                 
1.  Death Nachos................$4.00  2.  Pretzel Bites...............$3.50
3.  Hot Dog.....................$2.50  4.  Popcorn.....................$3.00
5.  Cheese Sticks...............$4.00  6.  Quesadillas.................$5.00
7.  Plate of Ribs...............$6.00  8.  Pizza Slice.................$4.00
9.  Chicken Fingers.............$4.00  10. Basket of Fries.............$3.50

                                @-@ Sweets @-@                                 
1.  Ice Cream Sundae............$4.50  2.  Apple Pie...................$3.50
3.  Mud Pie.....................$3.50  4.  Key Lime Pie................$3.50
5.  Red Velvet Cake.............$4.00  6.  Chocolate Cake..............$3.50
7.  Fudge Brownie...............$3.50  8.  Oreo Surprise...............$5.00


                   To Order, type ORDER <Snacks/Sweets>=<#>                    

You look over the Cafe's list of drinks.
          @-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@ The KiMo Cafe Menu @-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@           

                                @-@ Drinks @-@                                 
1.  Regular Coffee..............$1.75  2.  Hot Tea.....................$1.75
3.  Coke........................$1.75  4.  Diet Coke...................$1.75
5.  Root Beer...................$1.75  6.  Hot Chocolate...............$2.00
7.  Decaf Coffee................$2.00  8.  Pink Lemonade...............$2.50
9.  Iced Tea....................$2.50  10. Italian Soda................$2.50
11. Espresso....................$2.75  12. Steamed Milk................$2.75
13. Cafe au Lait................$3.00  14. Latte.......................$3.00
15. Mocha.......................$3.50  16. Cappuccino..................$3.50
17. Root Beer Float.............$3.50  18. Vanilla Shake...............$3.50
19. Strawberry Shake............$3.50  20. Chocolate Shake.............$3.50
21. Blended Iced Mocha..........$4.00  22. Shirley Temple..............$5.00


                       To Order, type ORDER <Drinks>=<#>                       

You look over the Cafe's display of novelty items.
             @-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@ The KiMo Cafe @-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@             

                                @-@ Clothes @-@                                
1.  KiMo Jacket.................$45.00 2.  KiMo Sweater................$20.00
3.  KiMo Baseball Cap...........$10.00 4.  KiMo T-shirt................$12.95
5.  KiMo Tanktop................$11.99 6.  Land of Enchantment Sweater.$19.00
7.  Land of Enchantment T-shirt.$12.95 8.  Albuquerque Sweater.........$18.00
9.  Albuquerque T-shirt.........$12.95 10. Roswell 1947 T-Shirt........$12.95
11. UFOs Aren't Real T-Shirt....$12.95 12. Don't Drink & Fly T-Shirt...$12.95

                               @-@ Trinkets @-@                                
1.  Alien Fetus in Lab Jar......$20.00 2.  KiMo Mug....................$8.99
3.  Roswell Mug.................$8.99  4.  KiMo Keychain...............$2.99
5.  KiMo Shot Glass.............$3.99  6.  Albuquerque Shot Glass......$3.99
7.  Roswell Shot Glass..........$3.99  8.  Area 51 Badge...............$4.50
9.  Alien in Bottle Keychain....$3.00  10. Bumper Sticker..............$3.00

          To buy one of these items, type BUY <Clothes/Trinkets>=<#>