
From Masq
Name: Kit

Nationality: American
Occupation: Custom Bikes
Demeanor: Reveler
Apparent Age: 24


"Insert witty quote."
Who said it?

"Insert witty quote."
Who said it?

RP Hooks
  • hook
  • hook
  • hook
A Glimpse Within
Physical Description
His golden blonde hair is left long, reaching his jaw. Ears are pierced with several hoops, a couple of studs through the upper curve of cartilage. Genetics have given him a strong square jaw and a sturdy brow along with noticeable cheekbones, the bridge of his nose slightly flat and possibly broken once from the light scar crossing it. Appearing to be in his early to mid-twenties, none-the-less he has the look to him of one that's seen and done a lot in the short period of time; a few faint scars and a hardness to his blue eyes takes some of the youth out of him, while still leaving him handsome. His musculature fits his frame, making him solidly built and strong looking, his height stopping at the six-foot mark. One, large tattoo is visible along the left side of his neck, running down under his shirt and along his left arm to his wrist, making a full sleeve of tribal artwork; from the arcing of the design at collar level it likely crosses over his left pec as well.
  • [link Name of song] Name of band
  • [link Name of song] Name of band
  • [link Name of song] Name of band
  • [link Name of song] Name of band
  • [link Name of song] Name of band
  • [link Name of song] Name of band
Allies and Contacts
Insert Witty remark. Insert another witty remark. Last bit of wittyness. Insert Witty remark. Insert another witty remark. Last bit of wittyness. Insert Witty remark. Insert another witty remark. Last bit of wittyness.