
From Masq

The man that stands before you is dressed for practicality. His hair, black it would seem from the few random wisps that are visible, is hidden away beneath a white bandana. He is wearing a tan fly fishing vest over a blue, denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Dark brown cargo pants, a pair of well-worn hiking boots, and a mesh fedora hanging behind him by a string around his neck complete the look.

He is not a particularly attractive man. His skin is pock-marked and his face seems slightly long and out of proportion. His most attractive feature is his blue eyes, but even those seem a bit out of place with his ruddy complexion. To top it all off, his entire five-foot-four-inch frame seems rather dusty from the mud on his boots to dirt beneath his fingernails to the smudges on that white bandana.