
From Masq
Category: Backgrounds
Reference: Vampire: The Masquerade (Revised edition/WW2300), page 132.

Characters of any sort may have Mentors... but obviously the type they have will vary. Regardless of type, a mentor is someone (sometimes multiple someones) who has an interest in your progress and well-being, and is inclined to give you aid and advice to ease your way. Depending on how many dots you invest, your mentor might be someone not too much higher in the community than you are, but with the benefit of experience and connections, or it could be someone with tremendous influence and/or supernatural power.

If you're a vampire, your mentor is most likely to be your sire — but not necessarily. It could be some other Cainite who's taken note of you, or if your rating is high enough, even a small like-minded group. If you're a shifter, your mentor is likely to be actually the one who trained you, and likely to be a member of your own tribe, but neither is necessarily the case. For members of other groups, extrapolate from the above.

Your mentor is not a Deus Ex Machina, and won't appear from nowhere to save you when you're in danger. You may even be asked to do things in exchange for that patronage. It's also possible to lose your mentor's favour, if you're too troublesome or prove yourself unworthy. Still, it's always nice to have someone in your corner.

x : None.
• : Mentor is of little influence, such as an ancilla, Fostern, or other appropriate figure.
•• : Mentor is respected; perhaps an elder or an Adren.
••• : Mentor is heavily influential, such as a member of the primogen or an Athro.
•••• : Mentor has a great deal of power over the area — a prince, archbishop, or Elder, for example.
••••• : Mentor is extraordinarily powerful, perhaps even a Justicar, Inconnu, or Legend.

Available to: All.