All Numina Apps should be sent to, with an appropriate subject header, i.e. Numina App: <Phenomenon>. It should contain a background and proposed stats in accordance with base character generation outlined in the book (see below).
For both types of Numina, the application must be a really strong, solid background that describes your character's history, personality, reasons for coming to Albuquerque, and goals for the future. In addition, the background must include a detailed accounting of how your character might have developed these powers, how they have used their abilities in the past, and how they have functioned within the framework of the World of Darkness. The app should also contain a character sheet proposal detailing the desired stats.
Hedge Magic -- The sourcebook we use exclusively is Sorcerer (Revised Edition). Please use only the character guidelines described within Sorcerer in making your character.
Group apps are most welcome! Sorcerers often seek out others who practice magic in the same way they do, as they can combine power and learn from each other, plus... there's safety in numbers!