Nathan - Haunted House 2/Setting

From Masq

A Haunted House

The house, a two story tall family affair with signs of a basement, is old and fallen into abandoned disrepair; its roof sagging and the stucco finish cracked and crumbling, its exposed walls dirty with neglect and rot. Its windows are largely boarded over, though several of the plywood sheets have come undone by nature or vandals, and the sheet, with its condemned property notice covering the front door has been removed entirely. The weed choked yard is dark with shadows wrapped by a rusted and battered chain link fence that has fallen over completely in some places. Cracked stones make an uneven pathway from the sidewalk, through a broken gate, towards the loose and leaning steps of the house. Its front door is wood with a trio of little beveled glass rectangles marching down its upper end. The house is dark and silent, devoid of human or animal sounds, its back door blocked by nailed plywood.

Your obvious choices are:
Run Away
Front Door