On the fringe of the neighborhood known as University Heights, Yale Blvd is pleasant and calm. Cars drive by periodically, snatches of music wafting out of their open windows. Older-looking houses line this street, intermixed with small businesses such as bicycle shops, record stores, "family" restaurants, and bookstores, which all show signs of flourishing. Well-kept apartment complexes of varying size can be seen on both sides of the street; some are individually owned, four-unit buildings, while others are much larger, and owned by the University or another property management company.
During the day, pedestrian and bicycle activity is very heavy, as college students make their way north to campus and back again. At night, the chirping of crickets can be heard above the traffic noises coming from Central Avenue, giving the neighborhood a somewhat sedate feeling. The landscaping in the area is rather haphazard, though evergreen shrubs such as junipers and native pinon trees can be seen alongside the Siberian elms and sycamores planted to provide shade along the broad sidewalks.