
From Masq
Category: Abilities
Subcategory: Secondary Talent
Prerequisites: None
Reference: Werewolf Players Guide (Revised edition/WW03108), page 29.

You have the ability to throw your voice, thus making it seem to come from somewhere else. This talent can be used for deception as well as entertainment.

x Untalented: Untalented.
• Novice: You could fool a kid who wanted to believe you.
•• Practiced: You can make it seem as if someone standing next to you spoke.
••• Competent: You can make it seem as if someone (or something) within five yards of you spoke.
•••• Expert: You could take your act to Vegas; your voice can seem to come from any spot within 30 feet of you.
••••• Master: You can make your voice seem to come from anywhere within earshot.

Possessed by: Entertainers, Con Artists, Mediums
Example Specialties: Distance, Clarity, Dummy, Inanimate Object (e.g., radio)