Zoie - Day After/Setting

From Masq

Rosa del Desierto - First Floor - Albuquerque(#3646RAIM)

The first floor is broken up into sections by archways; there are no doors on any of them leaving it with an open, welcoming feeling. The floors are hardwood, scuffed, worn and creaky, but look to be recently polished. The rosy adobe is unpainted, left in its natural state the color warms up the interior, glowing as the wall sconces shine light on the rooms. Wooden stairs run up the side of the main hallway, circling around before stopping at the entryway to the second floor.

Furniture is sparse, the quantity you would expect to find in a house a fourth of this one's size, some rooms left completely empty. The living room, the den and the kitchen have a few things, stocking the home with the very basic amenities. Fresh curtains are hung in all the rooms, even the ballroom with its big bay windows. Fire places in the big rooms provide heat for the home, basic brick with wide mantles and hearths. The soft scent of cinnamon and vanilla lingers in the air in every room, but is fading over time.