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Revision as of 19:31, 21 March 2010 by Baylee (Talk | contribs)

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Name: Baylee

Dork. No assembly required.

"Insert witty quote."
Who said it?

"Insert witty quote."
Who said it?
RP Hooks
  • Got a kid in elementary school? She 'teaches' at one.
  • Books. Baylee's got a love for them.
  • She LARP's. She's a vamp, too, in her LARPing. She loves vampires. But only in the Tom Cruise/Brad Pitt way. Sorta.
  • UNM - She just graduated. Screwed-up a perfectly good pre-med career and went to education instead. Oops.
  • Bad 80's Arena Rock. If there is a power-ballad you need a karaoke partner for, she is your woman.
  • Drinkin! Baylee is 22 and works with kids. Better believe she likes to booze.
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A Glimpse Within
Sex dice.png
Physical Description
A tall forehead rises to shoulder-length chunks of brown hair that frame a long but round face. Thin lips and a pert nose might give the impression of a woman who is on the verge of a smile or in on some kind of joke that could provoke her into a laugh at any moment. The rise of her brow seems to trap her in perpetual curiosity, finding themselves over very bright brown eyes. A thin build isn't out of place on this young woman who doesn't look a day over twenty, her height falling somewhere around five-foot, five or so.

Allies and Contacts
Who drew this? I need to know! Mister Bowler: Your shirt entertains Baylee, as does his affinity for books. Stamp of approval. Played by: Redhead Firebird: When Bay grows up, she wants to be Wren.