
From Masq
Revision as of 15:20, 8 May 2011 by Ihavenomouth (Talk | contribs)

"I'll be just walking along minding my own business, and BOOM. Knife in the back. Then you'll just be there being all beautiful and world-class pouty and no one will have the heart to suspect you of anything. They'll find out it was your knife, and then arrest my corpse for stealing it." -Jai

"No, I'm just the worst at reading you. You are like the sphinx to me. Or at least a technologically savvy, foul-mouthed, brawling reasonable facsimile." and later: "Seriously. Your superpower is possessing no filter of any sort, isn't it?" -Nicolas

"I already know how this'll play out. I'll get a bloody nose and you'll still be an idiot!" -Petra

While jogging: "Dude," he says to Petra, "You are /cold/. I bet...when you open your legs..." He gasps, then continues, "...a little light goes on." -Gareth

"Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?" -Frederick Nietzsche

"Pizza palace oh so dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, who will save me from this bore? Only Petra, nothing more." -Joel

"I don't just jump to conclusions, I jetpack into them at high velocity." -Petra

"....That horse has Jai's pants." -Joaquín
"I don't think they're gonna fit!" -Jai

"I'm not saying other people don't exist! I mean, I'm not a crazy solipsist! I'm just asking... who cares?" - Petra