Treasure Town

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Revision as of 20:24, 18 May 2011 by Ihavenomouth (Talk | contribs)

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Description Gallery
Treasure Town -- Albuquerque

 Signs inside and outside this large thrift store proudly list its name as "Treasure Town -- A Village of Value!" in lettering which is entirely too cheerful. The place smells like mothballs and loneliness; it is a museum of the unwanted. Treasure Town is where the worst (or best, depending on how you look at it) of eBay comes to die.

 Florescent lighting buzzes and flickers down on the merchandise: furniture, dishes, knick-knacks, books, toys, clothing, shoes, even ancient sporting goods linger here with stubborn pride, unapologetic about their varied failures in both form and function. Half the floor space seems to be taken up with the clothing and shoes, the other half devoted to furniture and everything else. The Treasure Town staff are pathologically reluctant to help customers, and only the most determined shoppers will actually be able to make a purchase. There are diamonds in the rough here... but one will have to sort through a lot of rough to find them.

('Places' and +views are available here. If your character would like to purchase any of the objects specifically listed in the places and +views, please send +mail to Industry so the descriptions can be updated accordingly.)

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