Renown Chart

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While these renown examples are not meant to be an exhaustive list, we will be sticking fairly closely to what you see below. Please note that the renown awards in this chart have been modified somewhat from the charts published in the source books. Masq staff might also reduce / increase the points awarded for a particular request, depending on the circumstances. Please see the Renown FAQ for further guidance.

Garou Renown

Action Glory Honor Wisdom
Combat and Encounters Glory Honor Wisdom
Besting someone (including a spirit) in a riddle contest 3
Showing restraint in the face of certain death 1 3
Ending a threat without serious harm to any Garou 5
Surviving an Incapacitating wound 2
Surviving a direct toxic waste / radiation / silver attack 2
Attacking a much more powerful force / dangerous opponents / Wyrm minions without aid or regard to personal safety 3 -3
Additional modifiers for winning a battle:
 ...permanently destroying/killing the threat in question +1
 ...without a single other Garou being hurt +1
 ...without being damaged or hurt in the process +1
 ...the opponents were armed with silver weapons +1
Earning a battle scar (see chart) 1 to 3
Healing a battle scar -1
Against Supernatural Opponents Glory Honor Wisdom
Defeating an average supernatural opponent (Fae, Fera, Mortal+ (Gypsy, Hunter, Sorcerer), Tradition Mage, Wraith) 2
Defeating a very powerful supernatural opponent (Archmage, Demon, Infernalist, Mythic Sorcerer, Nephandus, Technocracy) 3
Defeating a group (three or more) of powerful supernatural opponents (any combination of the above) 4
Against the Weaver Glory Honor Wisdom
Defeating a minor minion of the Weaver (pattern spider, some of the other small spider spirits, etc.) 1
Defeating an average minion of the Weaver (attack geomid, channel spider, strand spider, etc.) 2
Defeating a powerful minion of the Weaver (hostile automata, Chaos Monitor, Drone, wolf spider, etc.) 3
Against the Wyrm Glory Honor Wisdom
Defeating a minor minion of the Wyrm (a Kalus, Bane-infested animal, a neonate vampire) 2
Defeating an average minion of the Wyrm (a Blight Child, fomor, an average vampire) 3
Defeating a strong minion of the Wyrm (a Psychomachiae, a Black Spiral Dancer, an ancilla vampire) 5
Defeating a very powerful minion of the Wyrm (a Nexus Crawler, a higher rank Black Spiral Dancer, an elder vampire) 7
Detecting the Wyrm Glory Honor Wisdom
Revealing, with certain proof, that a PC/NPC Kinfolk is "of the Wyrm" (this would involve investigation beyond using the +sense wyrm command) 4
Making baseless accusations that a PC/NPC Kinfolk is "of the Wyrm" -3 -4
Revealing, with certain proof, that an area, object, or non-Sept PC/NPC is "of the Wyrm" (this would involve investigation beyond using the +sense wyrm command) 3
Making baseless accusations that an area, object, PC, or NPC is "of the Wyrm" -2 -3
Revealing, with certain proof, that a Gaian Garou is actually "of the Wyrm" (this would involve investigation beyond using the +sense wyrm command) 6
Making baseless accusations that a Gaian Garou is "of the Wyrm" -5 -6
Purifying a Wyrm-tainted object, person or place 2
Mystical Activities Glory Honor Wisdom
Interactions with Gaian Spirits Glory Honor Wisdom
Summoning an Incarna avatar 2
Summoning an Incarna avatar for no good reason -3
Treating a spirit respectfully rather than forcing it 1 1
 ...knowing and offering appropriate chiminage +1
 ...offering additional chiminage as a gesture of good will +1 +1
Helping another Garou / ally to fulfill an agreement with a spirit 1
Breaking an agreement with a spirit -3 -2
Awakening a spirit from taboo-induced Slumber 1
Causing a spirit to fall into Slumber -1
Releasing a spirit from unjust bondage (including fetishes) 2 1
Forcing a spirit into an inappropriate object / activity -2 -1
Umbra Glory Honor Wisdom
Traveling to any Umbral Realm and surviving 3
Successfully completing a spirit quest in the Umbra 3
Failing to successfully complete a spirit quest in the Umbra -3
Prophecy and Oracles Glory Honor Wisdom
Having and properly following a vision or prophetic dream / warning 5
Having and ignoring your own prophetic visions / dreams / omens -5
Paying heed to others' visions / prophetic dreams / warnings / omens 3
Ignoring others' omens / visions/ prophetic warnings / dreams without justifiable cause -3
Hidden Lore Glory Honor Wisdom
Finding / recovering a fetish 2
Discovering relevant Triat lore (e.g. Wyrm, Weaver, Wyld) 2
Discovering ancient Gaian / Garou / Tribal lore 1 to 3
Discovering a Pathstone 3
Discovering an ancient lost caern 3 7
Rites and Gifts Glory Honor Wisdom
Binding "inappropriate" items to oneself through Talisman Dedication (doesn't apply to Glass Walkers or Bone Gnawers) -2
Spending a year in ritual seclusion (fasting, meditation, etc.) 5
Performing a Moot Rite 2
Refusing to perform a Moot Rite when asked -3
Missing a Moot Rite -1
Performing a Rite of Passage 2 1
Receiving a Rite of Wounding 2
Performing a Rite of Caern Building 3 5 7
Participating in a Rite of Caern Building 2 4 6
Participating in a successful Great Hunt rite 3
Participating in a failed Great Hunt rite -2
Suffering the Rite of Ostracism -1 -7 -1
Suffering the Stone of Scorn -8 -2
Suffering the Rite of the Jackal -2 -7
Suffering a Satire Rite lose one Rank and all temporary renown
Performing a Punishment Rite 2
Performing a Punishment Rite unjustly (botching) -5
Refusing to participate in any rite -1
Giggling, joking or otherwise being disrespectful during a rite -1 to -5
Learning a new Rite 1 / level
Discovering/creating a new Rite 5
Discovering/creating a new Gift 7
Fetishes and Talens Glory Honor Wisdom
Creating or finding a talen (per talen type, not number of successes on creation roll) 1
Abusing spirits to create needless / frivolous talens -1
Creating a fetish 4
Finding or reclaiming a fetish 2
Owning a Klaive (awarded once; only after three moons of use) 2 1
Owning a Grand Klaive (awarded once; only after three moons of use) 3 2
Using a fetish for the good of the Sept or Tribe 2
Using a fetish for selfish reasons only -2
Sacrificing a fetish for the good of the Sept or Tribe 1 4
Accidentally breaking a fetish or talen -1 to -5
Accidentally breaking or losing a Klaive -1 -3 -2
Garou Relations and Society Glory Honor Wisdom
Caern Activities (also see Litany section) Glory Honor Wisdom
Helping guard a caern 1
Staying at your post when on caern watch / guard duty, even when tempted not to 2 1
Not staying at your post when on caern watch / guard duty -3 -2
Not helping guard a caern, even when asked -3
Keeping a caern safe from humans through trickery or negotiation 4
Helping to prevent a caern from being overrun by the Wyrm 3 4
Not helping to prevent a caern from being overrun by the Wyrm -3 -7
Died while defending a caern (posthumous) 5 8
Single-handedly preventing a caern from being taken by the Wyrm 5 8
Teaching Other Garou Glory Honor (1-5) Wisdom (3-5)
Teaching other Garou:
 ...mundane matters 1
 ...Umbral/Spirit matters 2 3
 ...Garou lore 3 2
 ...Tribal lore 3 2 level 4 +1 +1 level 5 +2 +2
Learning the Silver Record, completely (a lifetime's work) 7 8
Breed Glory Honor Wisdom
For a homid Garou, surviving to age 75 8 10
For a lupus Garou, surviving to age 65 8 10
For a homid Garou, ignoring one's wolf nature for too long -3
 ...not gone to lupus at least 1/month -2
 ...attempting to solve Garou-related problem alone -1
 ...spending too much time trying to "pass" as a human -1
For a metis, attempting to hide one's deformity -3
For a lupus, using too many human tools and other Weaver things -1 / use
Packs, Sept, and Tribe Glory Honor Wisdom
Gaining position of pack leader (awarded once when position gained) 3
Living alone, without one's pack, except for ritual reasons -3
Performing regular duties and chores for the Sept (awarded on an IC monthly basis if you are playing actively; this includes activities such as interacting with Sept NPCs, keeping the Elders informed of your IC actions, off-screened Moots and other Rites, etc.) 1 / month
Failing to perform regular duties and chores for the Sept (this will be relevant for IC reasons only; if you are simply inactive OOC, you are not going to get dinged, but you're also not going to gain renown) -2 / month -1 / month
Brazenly disobeying or sassing an Elder / anyone in a Sept position -1 to -5
Serving in any Sept position (ie: Caern Warder, Master of the Rite, Master of the Challenge) 1 / year 3 / year 1 / year
Refusing any Sept position if offered -1 -2 -1
Loyal service to the Sept (gained once/year) 1 2 1
Loyal service to your Tribe (gained once/year) 1 3 1
Challenges Glory Honor Wisdom
Participating in a just challenge 1 2
Participating in an unjust challenge -3
Challenging someone too far above or too far below your rank -2 -3
Litany Glory Honor Wisdom
Upholding the Litany (in the face of adversity, extreme measures, etc.) 1 to 5 1 to 3
Revealing, with certain proof, that a Garou is in violation of the Litany 1 to 5 1 to 3
Making baseless / false accusations that a Garou is in violation of the Litany -6 -4
Breaking the Litany (depending on severity of transgression, could be less for lesser offenses) -2 to -4 -5 to -8 -2 to -4
Garou Shall Not Mate With Garou
The shameful affair is brought to light -5 -2
The affair results in birth of a Metis cub -7 -3
Combat the Wyrm Wherever it Dwells and Whenever it Breeds
Purposefully ignoring Wyrm existence / spread -2 -5 -3
Closely fraternizing / having intimate relations with Wyrm creatures -3 -7 -4
Respect the Territory of Another
Deliberately violating another Garou's territory -5 -2
Accept an Honorable Surrender
Not accepting honorable surrender -2 -5 -2
Submission to Those of Higher Station
Disrespecting or failing to submit to Garou of higher rank / Sept NPCs (same as Caern Activities) -1 to -5
The First Share of the Kill for the Greatest of Station
Withholding the first of the "kill" (or talen / fetish / etc.) for yourself -3
Withholding the first of the "kill" for another -2
Ye Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans
Eating a human -6 -2
Eating a Kinfolk -7 -3
Respect Those Beneath Ye—All Are of Gaia
Indiscriminately killing "weaker" foes without thought or honor -4
Protecting a helpless / innocent human 2
Not protecting a helpless / innocent human -1
Killing (accidentally or otherwise) a helpless / innocent human -2
Protecting a helpless wolf 5
Not protecting a helpless wolf -6
Killing (accidentally or otherwise) a helpless wolf -7
The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted
Sharing Garou Lore or revealing your Garou nature to mortals (NB: your friend will most likely die if this is discovered) -4 -3
Protecting / repairing the Veil (covering up any instance that could reveal the Garou) 4 1
Harming/rending the Veil (leaving hard evidence such as being caught on video tape) -5 -2
Do Not Suffer Thy People to Tend Thy Sickness
Being a drain on:
 ...Tribe -4 -2
 ...Sept -6 -4
 ...Pack -5 -3
The Leader May Be Challenged Any Time During Peace
Refusing a honorable challenge -2 -4
The Leader May Not Be Challenged During Wartime
Challenging a decision during war -2 -4 -2
Ye Shall Take No Action That Causes a Caern to Be Violated
Deliberately allowing /enabling a caern to be violated (most likely, your death is the actual outcome) -8 -10 -5
Accidentally allowing a caern to be violated -2 -5 -4
Behavior aka "Code of Conduct" Glory Honor Wisdom
Giving good advice 2
Giving bad advice -2
Mediating a dispute fairly and impartially 3
Mediating a dispute unfairly (e.g., for the benefit of one particular side) -4
Keeping one's promises 2
Failing to keep one's promises -3
Being truthful 2
Being truthful in the face of extreme adversity 5
Being deceptive -3
Being deceptive in the face of extreme adversity -1
Any time trickery backfires -2
Telling a good story (3+ successes) 1 1 a moot 1 2
 ....that is repeated by others (4+ successes) 2 1
Being a braggart (botching the roll while telling one's own story) -1 -1
Telling an epic that is entered into the Silver Record 3 4 6
Attempting to act outside one's auspice, openly (depends on circumstances) -1 to -5
Disrespect Glory Honor Wisdom
Speaking without permission at a moot -1
Speaking poorly of the Garou as a whole -2
Speaking poorly of one's auspice or Tribe -4
Speaking poorly of one's pack -6
Speaking poorly of other tribes (not counting Bone Gnawers) -2
Crying Wolf (summoning the Ahroun of a Sept when there is no real and present danger) -5
Protection and Defense (also Litany section) Glory Honor Wisdom
Healing a fellow Garou (non-pack member) 1
Showing mercy to a wayward Garou 3
Protecting a helpless Garou 4
Not protecting a helpless Garou -5
Supporting an innocent being accused of a crime (who is later proven innocent) 5
Supporting an innocent being accused of a crime (who is later proven guilty) -4
Death while defending your pack 4 6
Death in sacrifice to Gaia 7 7
Frenzy Glory Honor Wisdom
Succumbing to a Berserk frenzy -1
Succumbing to a fox frenzy -1 -1
 ...and abandoning pack in need -1 -2
Succumbing to a Berserk frenzy and injuring or killing fellow Garou -3 to -5
Succumbing to the Thrall of the Wyrm -4
Performing heinous act or acts while in the Thrall of the Wyrm (cannibalism, attacking packmates, etc.) -6
Human and Kinfolk Relations Glory Honor Wisdom
Maintaining good relations with nearby Kinfolk 2
Having poor relations with nearby Kinfolk -3
Choosing a mate and breeding (when child born) 3
Choosing a mate, but not breeding (per year) -1
Honorably mated (per year) 2
Mated to an inappropriate partner (e.g., Mage, Ghoul, etc.) (per year) -3

Tribe Considerations

We are not using this optional rule at this time.

Fera Renown Samples by Type

Sample Behavior Award
Drawing first blood in combat; creating a talen; discovering a useful secret 1
Protecting an important secret from discovery; surviving an incapacitating blow 2
Wounding a powerful foe and prudently retreating; performing a monkeywrenching operation; creating a successful diversion 3
Creating a fetish; hatching a plot of Machiavellian proportions that succeeds; stealing something of value from within an enemy lair 5
Destroying an enemy stronghold; creating a Den-Realm; creating a new Gift 7
Failing attempts at craftiness; being captured by an enemy -1
Exposed as a liar; not protecting a secret -3
Hurting other members of your Breed through recklessness or conniving; getting caught trying to foil Elders -5

Sample Behavior Award
Proving one's bravery in a routine situation; resisting frenzy 1
Ignoring a non-fatal wound in combat; remaining unaffected by attempts to taunt you 2
Defeating an enemy without being harmed; remaining calm in the face of extreme adversity 3
Upholding protocols in the face of humiliation; performing an outrageous and dangerous deed without being harmed 5
Single-handedly being responsible for success in a common goal for your Breed; causing your enemy to completely lose face (and rank) when attempting to taunt you 7
Succumbing to fox-frenzy -1
Losing to an enemy without even harming him -3
Performing an outrageous and dangerous deed and being hurt so that others must rescue you (and thereby exposing them to the danger) -5

Sample Behavior Award
Teaching another Ananasi; honouring Ananasa through your actions 1
Aiding another Ananasi; destroying an enemy 2
Discovering flaws in an enemy that can benefit others in the future; protecting an important secret from discovery 3
Bringing balance to a situation of great imbalance; destroying a Corax (with good reason) 5
Sacrificing yourself to protect Ananasa (posthumous); learning something that will benefit all Ananasi 7
Disobeying one of higher rank than you -1
Worshipping someone other than Ananasa -3
Disobeying Ananasa -7

Succor (N/A at this time)
Sample Behavior Award
Healing another Changer unselfishly; performing a Rite of Cleansing; sparing game 1
Giving aid to a Changer of another Breed; performing a Rite of Healing Winds; nurturing a helpless animal back to health 2
Performing a Rite of the Pure Land; saving the life of a human 3
Reclaiming spoiled or corrupted land; saving an animal of an endangered species; performing a Rite of the Freed Spirit 5
Nurturing an endangered species so that its population increases; reclaiming a lost Glade; cleansing a major pollution site 7
Failure to save a small animal from pain; polluting -1
Failure to save a human's life; losing land to the forces of corruption and pollution -3
Losing an endangered species to extinction on account of carelessness; losing a Glade to the Wyrm -5