Name: Kailee Alyssa Kessler
Nationality: American
Occupation: EMT/Fire Fighter
Demeanor: Confidant
Apparent Age: Early Twenties
Nickname: Kai
Status: Single
RP Hooks
- Local! Born and raised in Albuquerque. Her best friend is Cameron, a dispatcher for the police department. (appable) Her father is a former Police Detective for APD. Her mother is a former RN at the hospital. Both are retired.
- EMT/Fire Fighter. Do we work together? Have we met?
- Phobia: Snakes! She makes no secret of it. They freak her out pretty bad.
- Recent graduate of University of New Mexico.
Kailee/RP Logs
A Glimpse Within
Local, recently graduated from college. A recent addition as a city employee, she works for the fire department as a fire fighter and EMT First Responder. A rookie. In her spare time she plays a guitar at one of the local bars when it's karaoke night or hangs out with some of her friends still in college. Despite her parents comfortable wealth, Kailee lives off her own paycheck, which sometimes has her living from check to check and scrimping and shopping at thrift stores where she can.
Allies and Contacts