
From Masq
Name: Meg

Nationality: US of A
Occupation: Activist! Also, putterer
Demeanor: Celebrant
Apparent Age: Early 20s

Nickname: Nothin' yet!

"Insert witty quote."
Who said it?

"Insert witty quote."
Who said it?
RP Hooks
  • Do you have strong opinions on the ENVIRONMENT? Or ANIMAL CRUELTY? Or CORPORATIONS AND HOW THEY ARE RUINING EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE (or not)? Do you have opinions of any kind, period? Meg would like to talk with you! And for talk read: argue stridently! Also find new things to be angry about. She's interested in that too.
  • Enjoy tramping around in nature? So does Meg!
  • Have a pulse or pretend to have one? Meg will talk with you! Or to you. Or over you, possibly.
None yet!
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A Glimpse Within
Physical Description

Meg tops out at about five foot nine, although she frequently slouches a little. She's lightly built, with a long, lean body that flares out at the hips. Meg's pale skin is a little freckled, particularly along the bridge of her nose and across her cheeks, as well as, lightly, across the tops of her shoulders.

The young woman's-- she's in her late teens, early twenties at most-- hair is dark, standing out particularly against her complexion, it's a brown that's nearly black, although in the sunlight she's got chestnut highlights. It's of medium length, a little past her shoulders, and Meg typically pulls it into a pair of slightly messy pigtails.

Shaggy bangs frame her pointy-chinned face, and her lips, set beneath a rather pointy nose-- a little upturned at the tip-- are lush, her blue eyes narrow.

Meg favors tanktops, worn with a ratty vest or a worn-out, flannel-lined jean-jacket over them. These and ratty old jeans or cargo pants, scruffy and low-slung, make up her wardrobe.

  • [link Name of song] Name of band
  • [link Name of song] Name of band
  • [link Name of song] Name of band
  • [link Name of song] Name of band
  • [link Name of song] Name of band
  • [link Name of song] Name of band
Allies and Contacts
Insert Witty remark. Insert another witty remark. Last bit of wittyness. Insert Witty remark. Insert another witty remark. Last bit of wittyness. Insert Witty remark. Insert another witty remark. Last bit of wittyness.