Girard Blvd defines the southeastern corner of the UNM campus here, running parallel to it and heading north to intersect with Campus Blvd. and subsequently Lomas Blvd. Directly to the west, the campus tennis courts can be seen, filled with dedicated players practically around the clock.
There are several small shops and businesses here, including some fast food restaurants, a video chain store, and a bookstore. At the edge of this historic neighborhood known as Nob Hill, the new Triangle Park contains a true curiosity. Albuquerque had numerous "classic" diners at one time, one of which was Campbell's Grill. When the diner's owner retired, the Albuquerque Museum let the Police Department turn Campbell's Grill into one of the most unique police substations in the country. Tourists seeking "road culture" memorabilia are often found walking through the area, snapping pictures.