Nevermore Books

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Description Gallery
Nevermore Books -- Main Room -- Albuquerque

 As you step into this bookstore, you may notice the air is mingled with the smell of fresh coffee and the papery smell of older books, and as you walk further in, the worn wooden floor creaks under your feet. A little cafe runs along the front left of the store, the tall windows offering a view of the plaza outside to those wishing coffee or tea or a sweet Danish. The other half of the front of the store is lined with shelves of music; everything from CDs to vinyl and anything in between. Sorted by type and genre, you may be able to find most anything recorded onto any format. Aisles of bookshelves line the centermost area of the store from paperbacks, hardbacks, worn or new, just like the rows of music, older or the most recent publications can be found. And to help you peruse your selections, a small grouping of comfy chairs nestles themselves along the far corner and along with flowers and soft lighting, it makes it a cozy, inviting place to sit and read or just sit and chat.

 The walls are decorated with colorful, framed posters and banners hung from the ceiling directing you to different sections of the store. The counter is tucked into a back corner and there is an old fashioned cash register sitting next to a modern computer system, bringing a little old in with the new. A blue sign with a black arrow pointing downward leads you down a small stairwell to another area of the book store.

~*~places are available here~*~

Obvious exits:
Stairwell <D>   Glass Doors <O>

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The music section:

This section of the store is chock-full of music of all types from CDs to vinyl and anything in between. Each section is marked by the genre and then sorted alphabetically to make searching more easy.

Comfy chairs:
A variety of comfy chairs nestle in the far corner of the store giving it a homey, welcoming atmosphere. Customers browsing like to sit and flip through books while sitting on these chairs.

Small cafe:
An open cafe tucked into the left corner of the front of the cafe. Round tables and tiny booths line the area before the tall windows of the store while the counter and display cases line the wall.

Book section:
This section of the room is full of books from old to new, worn to shiny new. Brass signs lead you to each section.