Zoie - Tomb Walk

From Masq
Date: Setting:

IC:  08/22/2008
RL: 03/11/2011

St. Lazarus Cemetery -- NE Plots -- Albuquerque

A low stone wall surrounds the cemetery, topped by a tall wrought iron fence with spiked ends to deter access except by the gates. The grounds are well kept, and they make a stately, somber view for those traveling along Lomas. Many of the grave markers here are ornate, and seem 'new' in comparison to some of those that can be seen further to the west. Bouquets of flowers rest on a few freshly dug graves, and trees have been planted to shade the sparse benches. The cemetery seems to be growing out from around a long, low hill to the southwest; a path meanders between rows of markers toward this hill.

During the day, there is a fair amount of traffic through the cemetery. Employees of the nearby Civic Plaza will occasionally come here for a restful break.

The beautiful girl in the graveyard is not wearing what her description says. Zoie is dressed in the cliche white, flowing, linen dress. The breeze pulls at the bottom as if the dead are trying to make her join them. Dark ground pulling at her as she moves grave to silent grave. In her hands are not the flowers one might expect, or even a flashlight to shine her path in the darkness. No, there is a large cloth bag. From it she is drawing out pink rose petals and dropping them across every grave. The beauty and the silence would give some reason to question if she is truly there or just an illusion ... or worse.

Sabatha walks along the walkways, she wears the white signature earbuds with the cord disappearing into her flannel. She looks about the graves with a quiet air, reading the names and keeping her hands in the pockets of her jeans. With a start she spies the woman in white and chuckles to herself.

Zoie smiles softly as she touches the headstones. The girl seems to be caught up in whatever she's doing. It is almost like she's trying to gift each one. For the current moment, it seems that she doesn't notice the other woman coming up near her.

Sabatha continues her slow walk, she gives "the lady in white" a wide berth, as if she's not sure it's anything more than a wierdo in the cemetary. As if she's not one herself. She continues to look at the older graves, gravitating to the older section of the graveyard. Zoie is walking around dressed in white and dropping rose petals on graves. There is something about a change in the air or a stirring that causes her to turn towards Sabatha. There is a slow smile that curves her lips.

Piotr perchs on a grave stone reading allowed to the night "Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?' Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understands."

Sabatha stops her ambling and looks at the woman comeing near with her. She shifts her feet slightly, spreading them apart just a little and putting her weight on her heels. She watches the stranger glide toward her, she has stopped smiling and takes a second to pull her earbuds out of her ears with a freed right hand. Scratchy and tinny, the strains of Abney Park can be heard from the dangling speaker ends. She stuffs her hand back into her jean pocket. It's then she hears Piotr for the first time and slightly shivers, she's looking a little on her guard now.

Zoie lets the wind stir her blonde hair as she watches Sabatha for a few moments. Her lips open as if she was going to say something, but the sounds are not birthed. She turns towards the voice and just watches him with those eerie green eyes. There are times that beauty can be too perfect and this might be it. Zoie turns back towards the woman. "Good evening." The voice is whispery and melodic.

Sabatha's voice is respectful, but her expression is closed, "Evening." She nods to the woman as she greets her. "Nice night for a stroll, eh?"

Piotr reads from his tattered book orating beautifuly his russian accent coloring it with a strange beauty. "I wanted all things To seem to make some sense, So we could all be happy, yes, Instead of tense. And I made up lies So that they all fit nice, And I made this sad world A par-a-dise." Shakes his head stand he drops the book to the ground "I submit to you august Jury of the Dead that Vonnogoet is Full of Shit! how do you rule?"

Zoie lifts her brows to teh words before she looks back at the woman. "I sometimes find myself drawn to the night walk here. I hope you do not find it too morbid. It is merely that I wish to be alone in my thoughts without being truly alone." She steps towards Sabatha and offers her hand. "Zoie Croft."

Sabatha slowly takes out her right hand and gives a firm shake. "Sabatha Riggs." She replaces her hand in her pocket after the gesture is completed.

Piotr nods slight to himself pulling out another book and says "thats what I thought? How but a nice bit of Poe?"

Zoie smiles softly to the woman and then towards the man. She tips her head to the side to watch him in a thoughtful manner. "Do you know what he's talking about?" Zoie steps closer to Sabatha.

Sabatha shrugs at the woman, "He's just a crazy old Russian. It seems he likes reading to the dead." She looks up a Piotr, "This is something I didn't need to know about my Room-mate." She sighs and looks back at Zoie. "I know him, he let's me crash at his pad sometimes."

Piotr flips through the pages of another dog eared book and smiles to himself "Ah this is a good one my restfull friends.." his russian accent thick as he reads "The Black Cat, For the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief. Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. Yet, mad am I not --and very surely do I not dream. But to-morrow I die, and to-day I would unburden my soul. My immediate purpose is to place before the world, plainly, succinctly, and without comment, a series of mere household events." He frowns and looks over saying with mock wounding to his audience and then to Sabatha "Ah do you hear that my audience? even in th grave yard.. Crittics! there is no escaping them.. Reading to the dead is ancient russian custom, In my Country we respect our ancestors" he grins wide and winks at Sabatha softening the tone of the shot hes just taken at the native american woman he says "Whos your friend?"

Zoie looks over at Piotr for a few moments as she watches him over. Her lips curve a bit. "Oh! You sleep with him." There is a low laugh to that before she looks back at the girl as she nods a bit. "Well it is good to meet the both of you."

Sabatha shrugs at Piotr, "Just met her. She's out here putting flowers on the dead." She spins and looks at Zoie, she puts both hands up in a warding gesture, "No, no, no. We're just sharing a yurt! We're just friends."

Piotr blinks suprised and sputters "I wasnt aware that Id had the pleasure.. was I.. was I passed out?" he steps down of the stone with a long lanky feline motion graceful like a dancer, he stalks toward the two ladys his feet finding perchase with a casualness that speaks of long tradition of walking at night. He folds the book up and tucks it into a pocket.

Sabatha grunts and placeses her forehead in her right hand. "Oh...man!"

Zoie steps back a few paces as Piotr comes closer. The young lady is light on her feet and holds her carriage and body high. Her lips curve to a suddenly shy smile as a few more steps are taken. "So he wants to sleep with you, it seems. Perhaps it is something you should both look into."

Piotr looks Zoie over and smiles shruging he says playfuly "Not especialy, but it seems youve a singlular obsession with such Mis. Vhy would you not give friend a place to crash when there in need unless you vanted to sleep with them?" he shakes his yead, though his smile says he means it teasingly reather then harshly.

Sabatha looks up at Piotr then back to Zoie. "Um... I just met one of you, can we maybe NOT talk about sex just yet? Not without a beer or ten first, please." She puts her hands back in her pockets, "So, other than being nice to the dead, why are you two out here?"

Zoie turns a bright, bright red to this and then lowers her head. "I.. I.. I don't.." She gives a low squeak as she gets called out on the talk. "I.. I didn't mean that I.. Sometimes I don't think." Zoie lowers her lashes a bit before she smoothes out her skirts.

Piotr shakes his head at Sabatha and then looks to Zoie, and even though shes just dished without being able to accept a plate in return his gaze gentles with sympathetic kindness and he says softly "Hey, namaste. Im Piotr.." he shrugs to Sabatha and says softly "My sister liked for me to read to her.. I dont get to her grave often so.. around her birthday I like to come read to the dead.. its a way of remembering. What brings your bottomless tummy out here? Not pizza." he teases the native girl then looks back to Zoie.

Sabatha shrugs and looks around, "The greenery is nice here, and normaly, it's quiet. I like to come here when I need to get some peace. The white man's ancestors are usually pretty soft spoken." Grins and takes a second to pat Piotr on the shoulder, "Sorry, man, no offence over that dead crack... really."

Zoie nods her head to that. "Zoie.. Zoie Croft." She tips her head and then lowers her eyes. "I should .." She leans the other side and glances towards the exit. "Morning comes early and there is much to do."

Piotr shrugs and playfuly elbows Sabatha in the ribs "Fancy some early breakfest Zoie Croft? I know Sabatha could eat.. An I wouldnt mind the company." he adds "im buying."

Sabatha looks at Piotr, "If you're buying, I"m eating." She nods to Piotr

Zoie takes a breath. "I.. I suppose." There is a brush of her fingers to her hair. Then she looks at Piotr for a few moments. "Somewhere public?"

Piotr chuckles and shakes his head "Da of course, dispite meeting in dakr cemetery I promise am not stalker, Just weird Russian guy, ah where shall we go? we can even travel seperate and that way if you change your mind you dont have to come."

Sabatha says, "How about the Frontier Restaurant?" She grins, "I have a punch card for there."