
From Masq
Mother (NPC)
Who would we be with out our Mother? People always mean well.
They cluck their thick tongues, and shake their heads and suggest, oh, so very delicately!
Down the rabbit hole we go. A true brother.
"Oh what the actual fuck, Nate!? There's no one there!"
A true leader The burden of leadership is a heavy one to bare.
Brown eyes widen a little as Nate begins spewing stuff about primordial seas, worms, and souls
A 70's Punk A spinning top of destruction, wined her up and let her go.
"I don't know what sort of pussy shit you're over there saying..."
Alice in a nightmare She only need look a little deeper; but I think she likes me
A pawn or a King? Like an open book in the eyes of a blind man
"You mean there is more than a taxidermy hulk?"