Name: Ben
Nationality: American
Occupation: Student
Demeanor: You tell me
Apparent Age: 20ish
Nickname: Benny
"Multitudinous fibers of cheese woven together into a single unit, a strong and wholesome entity, parts in unison to create a stronger and more efficient whole... rope. Cheese rope. Write this shit down, man, take this shit to /science/." -Joel
Oblivion pages: Well you botched so uhm. I mean, strength and seduction? Oblivion pages: Your lung is punctured by your rib when your attempts at Self-Fellatio fail
<OOC> Joel says, "Roll anything Vs my willpower and you will succeed. Ask Zack." <OOC> Zack Winks. ;) <OOC> Liane furiously writes up more Joel/Zack slashfics. <OOC> Katie keeps posting comments to Liane's slashblog about how she doesn't post slashfics fast enough. <OOC> Ben starts a petition to stop having all the slashfic end in Joel being raped to death.
RP Hooks
- College student? So am I! Let's get together and bash our teachers.
- Prone to being outside? Sidewalks are awesome places for random encounters.
- Have agoraphobia? Inside almost any building works just as well.
A Glimpse Within
Physical Description
What the velociraptors failed to consume, the fire burned beyond recognition.
Potential Victim List
Math is hard... But in a pinch, just multiply both sides of the equation by zero.
Can he be summoned without alcohol?... To find out, the pig will first be in the poke.
I've got your back... Please stop screaming.
Reading between the lines is a good skill... But you seem more afraid of learning the page is blank.
Intentions as pure as your alcohol... Quite possibly with similar hang overs.
No one has asked about your performances yet... Saving me the trouble of lying.
Learning to duck is a key life skill... Especially since you are not alone in the world.
The goal is not to change your subjects... But for the subject to change the photographer.
Stasis could be your bane... Just remember, the world won't make a move for you.