Zoie - Back At Kiva

From Masq
Date: Setting:

IC:  10/07/2012
RL: 01/09/2014

Kiva Coffee -- Albuquerque

 Large street-facing windows bring plenty of light into this cozy coffee and tea shop. An expansion of Laura's Herbal Apothecary, it has its own front entrance but shares a large open doorway in the shared wall so people can move easily from space to space. The walls are painted in warm, rich colors, and in one corner of the shop, a kiva-style fireplace adds a classic Southwestern touch. The whole room smells richly of coffee and tea, and the overall atmosphere of the shop is one of cozy relaxation.

 At the back of the shop, a long counter holds a cash register and a variety of clean, shiny equipment used to make the coffee and tea drinks sold here. A barista or two is there waiting to take the orders; they wear simple black aprons to keep clean and sometimes cast hopeful looks at the tip jar. Throughout the room, small tables and chairs provide a place to sit, as do comfy-looking armchairs and a booth tucked away in a nook by the front window. The shared wall between the cafe and the apothecary has a cut-out space where a large fish tank (+view here/fish) rests, surrounded by some displays selling coffee and tea. The tank can be viewed from either the apothecary side or the coffee shop side, often attracting curious viewers.

 A chalkboard menu (+view here/menu) is attached to the wall behind the barista counter, and a glass case set into the counter shows off various cookies and pastries for sale. Small signs perched here and there throughout the room promise free wifi for technologically-inclined visitors.

(Places and +views are available here)

Obvious exits:
Herbal Apothecary <HA>   Employees Only <EO>  Out to Lomas <O>

Zoie is sitting at one of the booths in the coffee shop. Her blonde hair falling over her features as she looks over apartments and such in the paper. Her green eyes look them over absently as she hms softly. There is a hot chocolate on the table not that far from her reach.

Wandering into the coffee shop, Tara glances around like she is looking for someone in particular. Based on her expression, said person must not be here. With a shrug, Tara bypasses the baristas, not actually purchasing anything. She heads toward the plush chairs, claiming one for herself, and setting her messenger bag down into her lap. She reaches in, rummaging around inside of it, until she pulls out a small sketchbook and a pen. Settling in, she looks around at the other patrons, people-watching.

Zoie glances up with a soft smile of welcome to the woman. She lowers her brows as if trying to place her, but the memory pulls from her head. Then she looks back down and sighs as she circles another potential ad. Then another is crossed out.

Peering at Zoie, Tara shows no such signs of recognition. She does look at the blonde for a moment longer than is probably polite, studying Zoie like she is committing details to memory. But then she looks away, toward the aquarium that separates the coffee shop from the adjacent herb store. After a moment, she opens up the sketchbook and starts to draw something in it.

Zoie is oddly use to being looked at oddly. There is a debate and finally, Zoie offers. "Good Evening." It is a pleasing enough voice as she glances to her cellphone for a moment. There is a lowering of her brows though as if upset it isn't ringing. Then she looks back around the familiar shop.

Looking up, Tara seems a little surprised to be addressed, but then she says, in a polite tone, "Hello, how's it going?" She tilts her head slightly, studying Zoie for another long moment, then looks back down at her sketchbook. "Your hair is lovely," she adds after another pause.

Zoie pulls out a bit of hair to examine it and then she giggles. "It could be better. The saying is true that you can't go home again. How is the day finding you? Or the night as it may be?" Zoie stands and comes to join Tara at her table. The emerald of her eyes sliding over the sketchbook.

Once again, Tara seems a little startled, but hey, there's plenty of room among the plush chairs. "It's fine, it's a fine night," she says with a shrug, "Just killing a bit of time right now." Her eyes are still focused on Zoie's hair, but then she looks more fully into the other woman's face. The open page of the sketchbook reveals that Tara has been drawing a detail of the aquarium and its fish.

Zoie smiles towards that. "I think we are all killing time. You walked in as if looking for someone. Were you supposed to meet someone here?" She chuckles. "It is quite interesting when people are not where we want them to be. Or that they don't meet up with us." She looks over at the drawing. "Are you an artist?"

"Yes," Tara says after a pause, "I was hoping to run into someone, but they're not here. But it's not like we had a plan to meet up or anything. It would have been a nice coincidence, though," she adds, shrugging. Tilting up the sketchbook, she looks at the drawing of fish and aquarium greenery. "I am."

Zoie grins. "Things would be nice if they just happened. Who were you looking for? Although, I probably won't know them, but it is a good thing to question and wonder about." Her eyes move over the area. "I was sort of hoping Katie might be through the area myself." Then she grins. "Well that is wonderful, you are great at it."

VERIFY(IYXW) Tara rolls manipulation + subterfuge against 6 and gets 5 successes.

Tara smiles, "Oh, you mean Katie King? Gosh, she's so awesome. Do you know her?" She closes up the sketchbook, sticking the pen into the spiral binding, and smiles a bit. "I'm always amazed how she's, you know, so successful and now there's another Kiva Coffee down in Oldtown too. She's going to run this town one day, I'm sure of it. How do you know her?"

Zoie smiles vibrantly. Someone likes Katie! "Oh, she use to be a really good friend of mine. I haven't seen her since.. well not in a long while. So I can't even say we are friends anymore. I dated her brother briefly before.." That before makes her smile fade and then she shakes her head. "Before life stepped in. So you know her then? That's cool that there is another Kiva. Old town hmm? I should check that one out."

"I think everyone knows Katie," Tara says, still with that faint smile on her lips. "She's legen....dary." Though she glances toward the counter and the baristas, she has noticeably not ordered anything. Zoie has her full attention now, however. "That's some coincidence that you dated Zack, my friend I was hoping to run into is his ex also."

Zoie laughs. "I am probably not the ex you were looking to run into. I'm sure he's had far more than me. Which one were you looking for?" She lifts the hot chocolate to her lips as she asks. Her eyes flick to the counter as the woman does. "Who's your friend?"

"Her name is Chandler," Tara says after a pause, "Do you know her?" She leans back into the plush chair, crossing her legs at the ankles. Her left hand rests on top of the sketchbook in her lap. "This is a surprisingly small town as far as that's concerned, it seems like everyone knows everyone."

Chandler comes in from the street, bells jingling as the door opens.

Zoie shakes her head to that. "I think she was his current last time I was in town. I haven't really kept track of him. I'm afraid I spent time dealing with.... family." She smiles to that though. The two are at plush seats talking. Zoie has a hot chocolate. Tara has a sketch pad.

Chandler enters the Kiva, her cellphone in hand as she taps away a text or plays angry birds or something. She gets in line, waits her turn, and then orders a large latte. When her drink is done, she turns and heads towards the plush chair, pausing when she notes they are occupied. But when she recognizes Tara as one of the occupants, she smiles and heads over their way. "Hey Tara." And then a smile and a wave is sent to Zoie and she adds, "Hello."

Zoie watches Chandler enter and lifts her hand to wave to her. SHe's looking through the paper for a place to move into. She's at the table with Tara who has a closed drawing pad before her. Chandler has entered not that long before Kevin. "Hi." The word is given with a bright and friendly smile.

Chandler turns to face Zoie and says, "Hi," again, followed up with, "Not sure if we've met. I'm Chandler." She stands near the plush chairs, a cup of coffee in hand.

Stepping into the Kiva, Kevin stretches a little at the door and rubs his arms absently. He tilts his head to one side then raises a hand to wave as he says, "Oh, hi tara, Hit Chandlr! How are you two?" He is, of course on his way to the counter to order a "... chai latte, no dairy, make it with almond milk plea... and you've already made it for me. Wow. I guess that's why I keep coming here."

Zoie smiles vibrantly at Chandler. "Oh, you dated Zack too." She doesn't stop to think that she shouldn't say this. She's trying to put out a happy vibe. "I think the artist was just looking for you. It is wonderful to meet you." She indicates Tara as the artist. Her eyes move over towards Kevin thoughtfully. There is a smile for him too.

Chandler blinks, laughs and nods. "Yes. I dated Zack." This seems to amuse her, and make her uncomfortable at the same time. "So, uh... nice to meet you, too."

Tara was just briefly lost to her iPhone. It happens sometimes (all the time, actually). She is texting up a storm. Then she looks up again, and blinks. "Oh wow, Chandler, I guess I invoked you. I was just hoping you would be in here when I can in earlier. That's pretty awesome that I made you appear. I didn't know I had that power." She smiles at Kevin as well. "Heya, how's it going?"

Stepping back towards Tara, Chandler, and her conversation partner. He does not interrupt the goings on between Chandler and Zoie, though he takes note of it, sipping at his chai idly as he walks. Tara is given a warm smile as he responds "Not bad, nice to you guys. I've just been up to this and that. How have you been?"

Zoie beams at Chandler. "It was just observed that we had that in common. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. Or..um.. if it did. I'm sorry you got called an ex." She smiles vibrantly as if the trio are her new best friends. HEr eyes slide towards Kevin. Then she giggles in a good humored way. "Tara is the babe with power?"

Chandler turns when Kevin is also invoked by the power of Tara. "Oh, hey Kevin. How's it goin?" She looks back at Zoie, twists her lips in an expression of thoughtful perplexion. Then she smiles and finds a seat. "It was what it was. It's all right." She turns her attention to Tara and asks, "So, what's the reason you were hoping I was here?" And then to Kevin, she asks, "Joining us?" There is one seat left, after all.

"That's right," Tara says, nodding, "But with great power comes great sresponsibility. So it's a good thing I have not yet turned to the Dark Side. It's really only a matter of time." She smiles at Chandler, "Do I need a reason? I had such a nice time on our hot date that I simply missed you."

"Don't mind if I do?" responds Kevin to Chandler with a grin, "I haven't seen you in several days. Disappeared into your maze of multi-tiered professional super-skills?" He flits his hand through his long platium tresses, tossing them over one shoulder unconsciously. They were in the way after all. Looking between Tara and Chandler, he chuckles, "Hot date, huh? Wow. The Twitter-sphere is positively abuzz." Zoie is given a polite nod, the inclination of his head, and a once-over from his storm-grey eyes. "A pleasure to meet you, ma'am," he says simply.

Zoie considers this. "You two are dating?" Her cheeks flush with warmth a bit. However then she offers. "Katie use to have a girlfriend named Wren and Joel use to date Gareth. I'm not sure if they are still seeing their mates." She shrugs. "Everyone has changed so much. I mean, I'm glad for you two though. THere is nothing better than that feeling when you know you are in love." She frowns a moment and then looks towards Kevin. "It is good to meet you too."

Chandler goes wide-eyed at Tara, and then laughs at how Kevin and Zoie respond. "No. No no no. We are not dating. But I do love me my Tarabear." She flashes a playful and warm grin in Tara's direction. "Brat."

Tara pauses for a moment, looking between Zoie and Kevin, and then turns her attention to Chandler. "What do you mean, baby?" she says, her tone deadpan, "How can you deny our love? We have such a beautiful love connection. All those, uh... nights. Those warm summer nights. And the les-be-friends hikes. I mean... did that mean nothing to you? Nothing?!"

VERIFY(LUZB) Chandler rolls acting + manipulation against 6 and gets 1 success.

"Awww, Chandler! You might hurt Tara's feelings!" says Kevin with a laugh as he gestures towards Tara, "Just look at that face? Can you deny that? She's even talking about your beautiful connections... " He can't help it, he is already cracking up, and to his face, chuckling.

Through the archway, Bill enters the apothecary from the street.

Zoie blinks slowly to that. "Chandler, that's horrible. Trust me I know. The person I loved... well didn't want to be with me, I suppose. That is most horrible to do to the woman." Zoie will attempt to reach out and hug Tara. "You poor thing, Tara. I mean, it's okay, Kevin and I care for you."

Bill arrives through the open archway from the apothecary.

Chandler sighs and says, "Sorry, T, but I thought I was clear that I am /still/ in the closet. Catholic father; a boyfriend on the side. I just... I just don't know how to let the world know of our love, yet. So please, hun... please. Just... let me take it all at my own pace." She reaches over to take Tara's hand and gives it a tender squeeze. "If you really love me, your patience will know no end."

VERIFY(MQRX) Tara rolls Dexterity + athletics against 6 and gets 3 successes.

Who knew Tara could move so fast? (Maybe Chandler knew... ahem.) She detects the incoming Zoie-hug and is out of the chair so fast that the sketchbook falls out of her lap onto the floor. It's like this immediate automatic response. She says, in an even tone, "Please don't touch me," but it's clear she is not joking about it. This, alas, means Chandler will really have to reach for it to take Tara's hand, but we have faith in the long arms of the Chandler.

A brow twitches, and Kevin says to Zoie, "Don't take it wrong. Near as I have been able to tell, there are very few people Tara allows to hug her. Best to let her have her space." Kevin has never tried to even touch Tara himself... then again, the ONLY person Kevin has really touched casuallt is Chandler, to lay his hand on her shoulder here and there. She gets 'little sister' privilages.

Chandler and Tara, sitting with Kevin and Zoie, have just expressed their endless love for eachother, but of course, Chandler's conservative Christian upbringing makes it a struggle for her. She flees from the room, covering her tears and shame in her hands!! Not really. But she does stand when Tara jumps, started a bit by the reaction. ""Oh.... uh..." is all she has the time to say before her phone starts playing Queen's 'another one bites the dust.' She looks at the phone and sighs. "Okay... sorry guys, I have to get to work a little early." She looks at tara and asks, "You're okay?" When this is confirmed, she heads for the exit, giving Zane and Bill waves and/or hugs (depending on their moods and if they are entering?) as she departs.

Zoie blinks her long lashes a few moments in an owlishly manner. Then she looks at Tara. Well that was a reaction. The woman reaches out to pick up the sketchbook and put it safely back on the table. "Sorry about that." She sincerely is too. She waves towards the leaving Chandler and then she smiles towards Kevin. Zoie has a paper with housing ads.

Bill's mood is one of hugs. At least for Chandler. He intercepts the woman and gives a hug, one of those lifting-spinning hugs but sets her down with a quick hello/goodbye as she has to take off for work with promises of calling/doing something. Then he looks about the coffee shop for familiar faces and finds a few as he heads deeper in. "Hey Tara-beara. Hey Kevin," he offers to both, but no more hugs are forthcoming. Zoie gets a pleasent smile and a nod

Tara takes a deep breath. "I'm fine. I was just startled. I mean... I didn't realize you were so closeted." She slowly returns back to her seat. Minipose for chanChan.

Zane's on the phone as he walks in, but he hugs Chandler as well, albeit with one arm. It's a long, protective sort of hug, as if he's eyeing the whole shop for potential suitors. Little does he know of Tara's love! Then, releasing her, he gets into line, still on the phone. "No, ilisten, I told you - the princess is also a ninja."

Shaking his head as he watches Zane and his protective vibe, Kevin chuckles to himself, murmuring "Man.. she has more protectors than the president." Looking to Tara he watches her for a time as well, his violin case settled at his side on the floor as he drums his fingers on it lightly. He looks between Zane and Tara for a moment longer, his eyes distant, like he is trying to piece something together, but then sighs and sits back in his seat a bit before smiling lightly to Zoie. "It sounds as though you know this town pretty well, not exactly a newcomer... but like you've been away for a while."

Zoie shifts. "I was away raising some kids. Then a marriage fell apart. I came back to make it work for sake of family. It didn't happen. Here I am." There is a sudden tone on her voice that says these things are not up for discussion. "So.. let's just say that I'm new and be done with that. Perhaps you could tell me about yourselves? I know that Tara here is a world famous artist. What about you, Kevin?" Her eyes slide up to Bill and Zane when they enter.

Tara settles back into the plush chair, picking up the sketchbook from the cofee table and placing it and the fallen pen into her messenger bag. She slowly pushes up the sleeves of her hoodie as she watches Chandler leave, and Bill and Zane enter. (Two men enter, one Chandler leaves. I kill myself!) She says, in that same neutral tone, "Yeah, sorry, for that, you just startled me, that's all." She waves to Zane to get his attention and makes some sort of secret gang sign toward him. Bill gets a nod.

Bill has a Friends' moment and climbs over a comfy chair and settles down into it. "Hey lady I don't know," he adds to Zoie for his list of greetings. Zane gets a distant wave as well, but he's all the way over there AND on the phone so nothing verbalized. "How are you guys doing?" he wonders as he looks about then realizes his manners. "Oh, right. Bill," he says as he sticks a hand out towards Zoie.

"I am a not-so-famous sound engineer and graduate physicist working on my Ph.D. I own Semibreve Technologies, a sound lab here in Albuquerque," says Kevin with a faint smile as his storm grey eyes meet Zoie's gaze for a moment. Looking to Bill he says, "How are you, Bill? I see you areound but never really get to talk to you a lot."

Turning, Zane catches sight of Tara's wave, and as he listens to the person on the other end of the phone, he watches whatever this secret gang sign might be. At first, his expression is blank, but then it morphs into an obvious look of Do Not, like those people who are filmed as they don't realizing they're watching Two Girls, One Cup, and he shudders and turns to look the other way. "Of course girls can be ninjas. What is your mother teaching you? No Ninja Turtle girls? Yeah, but James, that was back in the nineties, before Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, when we all learned that girl ninjas are hot--" he catches himself, almost too late. "Hot to learn new skills."

Zoie watches the others move and listens. Her lips curve up in a bright smile towards everyone. She just silent for now as she takes a drink from her lukewarm chocolate. Her eyes watch Zane though at his conversation.

Tara seems satisfied, wearing that 'my work here is done' expression on her face as she settles back into the plush comfy chair. Though she, too, watches Zane for a long moment as he carries on with his conversation, before looking away to glance between the others at the plush chairs. "I'm sorry, I lost track of this conversation. What's your name, Octopus lady?" She tilts her head to one side.

Bill stage-whispers towards the Octopus Lady, "She gets confused easily." He doesn't seem particularly miffed that his introduction and extended hand were ignore by Zoie. Such is life. "Don't take it personally." A grin is flashed towards Tara, all in good fun! Then he turns the grin towards Kevin. "You have that right. We're like ships passing in the night."

Damian comes in from the street, bells jingling as the door opens.

"So any way, the princess ninja goes out to rescue her pet hamster - it's a little animal. Like those guinea pigs that your teacher has. And she fights off all the bad people. And the hamster loves her very much, and you need to go to bed," Zane's talking on the phone while he waits in line, apparently on bedtime story duty. "I love you too, goodnight." Tucking the cellphone away, he advances in line, waves in the Tara/Bill/Zoie/Kevin direction, and then proceeds to order, pointing at various pastries in the case as several are piled up on a plate for him.

Zoie looks confused and looks behind her for a woman with octopus arms. Surely there must be one, right? Then she looks the other way. Nope. Slowly, the blonde realizes the woman means her. There is a chuckle. "Oh. Sorry. I'm Zoie." Then she looks at Bill and smiles towards him. "I'm sorry. We went from no one to the epic awesomeness of all the people. I guess I'm a little conflicted by it. I hope you didn't think badly about my manners. Tis it good to meet you." Her eyes move back towards Zane talking to his child. It makes her look towards her own cellphone with a slight frown.

"Hello, Zoie, it's nice to meet you." Tara smiles but doesn't offer up a handshake. Surprise, surprise. She doesn't have any kind of food or drink item, incidentally, which is probably good or it would have gone flying. Glancing over toward Bill, she nods, "Yeah, pretty much you can just assume I am always confused. It's all the drugs. Is this real life?"

Damian arrives, and comes bearing gifts! Not he doesn't have enough bubblegum to share with the whole class, unfortunately, just one somewhat large box, the sort you'd put a cool sweater in to wrap up for a christmas gift or something like that. He needs coffee SO BADLY that he's going to bribe the barista for the very best cup! Well no probably not, but you never know. You never know.

Having finished his chai, Kevin pops open his violin case, "Ships passing in the night... ahhh me." He chuckles softly as though there is some joke to it. Pulling out a rather nice violin he tightens the keys and runs his bow across the strings lightly in experiment to test the notes. It... seems almost as though he has perfect pitch because he does not do a lot of adjustment. Or maybe the instrument just didn't need much.

All at once he begins to play Johann Sebastian Bach's Partita N 2. The notes leap clarion from his strings, dancing and lilting, and shimmering into the air. He leans into his playi as he plays for just a minute's worth of the piece, meandering up and down the scale with the adagietto that the string piece is. His fingers move deftly, smoothly, easily... until he lets the music drift off into a rest.

"Damian, so glad to see you!" says Kevin with a broad, blissful, smile.

(OOC: Then Zoie Player Went To Bed)