
From Masq
Revision as of 22:57, 27 November 2010 by Narisha (Talk | contribs)

Vic Lucian Tyrell
Boyfriend grumpy and rude
meet Vic
Enigma a mystery
best left unsolved.
Artist Top Dollah
he de man
Kiley Petra Trace
A new friend we are so different
it's easy to see how we are the same.
filmogropher a kind heart
and a wicked mind.
Street Chic her eyes are dark
her heart... who knows?
Stephen Jai Damian
Student Doctor a knight in armor
but is it shining, or dark
Cabbie I like him
he takes me where I want to go
Cabbie a deep pond of wisdom
over which I can only skip stones
Andrea Wren Sarah
detective hard boiled
through and through
head shrinker the crazy curing the crazy
in a crazy world, it makes sense
detective a noble soul
an ignoble world
Logan Marco Nicolas
bartender boyfriend or rebound
only time will tell
casino owner the mob is dead
so you say
reporter looking for truth everywhere
but within