
From Masq
... Am I truly the one who does that? Makes your eyes light up so? Dearest, what have we gotten ourselves into? The Incorrigable Oh good heavens! I honestly don't know what to do with you
But I must admit, you are a bit charming.
The Seeker. You aren't like most others I meet. I can't quite say I'm sorry for that, though I can't quite say I'm pleased, either.
Gareth ~
The Centered. Children are stronger than they are given credit for. But you are so very young. And so determined not to hope. The Centered. You are such an honest soul. I'm not sure whether I am jealous, or fearful for your sake. The Sly. Oh you! Sometimes I worry over how you're ever going to manage in life!
Harry +
The Elder. You've lived much more than we. But I think Aurora is your better half, and I'm sure you agree. The Insatiate. A tourist of life. You show me how much I lack in knowing. The Penitent. Why doubt what you ask? If you ask so uncertainly, why then? Isn't it obvious? But I'm glad you ask, all the same.
The Tempest. I understand some. And don't more. But you're always kind to me anyway. That's more than enough, for me. Mouseover Stuff goes here.
Also, here.
The Torn. Crazy isn't a comfortable state. But it's the only one we have. I am glad you have a channel for it.
Petra +
The Collected. Some draughts are bitter. And such bitterness can bring forth sweetness and satisfaction. Even if it is only bittersweet. You understand? The Regal. I did so wish to grow up and have some of your bearing. But I suppose we have gone separate paths. It really is a pleasure seeing you again. The Discontent. Quick and courageous, impulsive and inquisitive, be careful where that takes you. Some of us are not so strong.
The Healer. You have an interesting bar. Terrifying and welcoming, all at once. Much like the owner and his barkeep. The Rounding Such a steadfast boy you are!
You know much, but there's so much left!
The Watcher. You seem to enjoy your job. But I'm not paying you. Some things remain between doctor and patient. You know that.

Zoie &hearts
The Fool. A kind King, young but burdened - And yet, you'd never see it that way. That's why I will always be happy to help. Thank you. The Judging. You are smart, and you are kind. But your emotions are quicker than your mind. I hope one day you will realize that.

|- ! Dearly Departed |- |

The Watchful A proper tool for a proper task.
And a good craftsman or wielder should take care of their tools.
The Fleet. You're like my Malkin, you both play until you get all tangled up in things.