
From Masq
Revision as of 20:49, 22 December 2010 by Ihavenomouth (Talk | contribs)

Idea for an OOC quotes page shamelessly stolen from Joel without even a pretense at permission. He will forgive me, because he's awesome like that. (Also, I have blackmail pictures.) Code for said OOC quotes page stolen from Zack!

But first, an awesome IC quote:

You text to Jai: Sing my praises. In iambic pentameter, if you please.
You receive a text from Jai: Are you looking for a rhyme scheme here too? If so I warn you it will be rudimentary at best...
You text to Jai: I will allow you to forgo rhyming just this once. I am a forgiving god.
You receive a text from Jai: Oh Petra, swift of mind and fleet of foot
You receive a text from Jai: With voice that none who hear can e'er forget
You receive a text from Jai: Whose beauty shames the very stars above
You receive a text from Jai: And also any that might be below
You receive a text from Jai: With wrath that shakes the trees and darks the skies
You receive a text from Jai: Yet even so a kind forgiving god
You receive a text from Jai: Whose laugh or smile lights the grey-toned land
You receive a text from Jai: And fills it with the joy of colour's glow
You receive a text from Jai: She who creates from nothing, scrumptiousness
You receive a text from Jai: And shares it freely with her supplicants
You receive a text from Jai: She who keeps secrets tight against her breast
You receive a text from Jai: She who the weirdest thought train can follow
You receive a text from Jai: Imperatrix, I sing these praises true
You receive a text from Jai: As clearly as my mortal mind allows
You receive a text from Jai: And if my mean attempts do not suffice,
You receive a text from Jai: Well, sorry about that, I'm not really a very good poet.

And now, on with the OOC quotes!

Liane: I am in a haze of joy and delight now that I have tasted the sweet nectar of your words, my wondrous pear of pleasure.

[Public] Damian says, "Well, my life is complete. I've gotten to use 'vagina compass' in a sentence."
[Public] Augury watches Damian die.. at least he was happy!
[Public] Maven says, "I hope it was a 'constructive' conversation, if you know what I mean."
[Public] Damian says, "Pfft! ..Wait, yes it was."

[Public] The Soul Seeking Oblivion scrolls back. "Whats WRONG with you people?"
[Public] Jai says, "Do you want an annotated list?"
[Public] Nicolas says, "You want that list alphabetically by player or by dysfunction?"

[Public] Abigail says, "Anyone have any ideas as to where I should find PC quotes?"
[Public] Abigail says, "I mean do people usually use other peoples quotes... or their own?"
[Public] Petra says, "I use a mix of quotes from Petra, other characters, and famous quotes."
[Public] Liane says, "I just use famous ones and tell everyone, "HEY EDIT MY PAGE IF YOU THINK SOMETHIN' COOL WAS SAID.""
[Public] Petra edits your page to add: Liane says, "I am going to give Petra all my money! I love her SO MUCH."
[Public] Liane will then edit Petra's page to say, Petra says, "I might charge by the hour, but I love you totally that hour. And all your friends. Possibly a pet or two if you pay me the bonus."
[Public] Harry says, "...But. How can we tell that comment from Petra any other day?"

<OOC> Damian shanks Jai. A love shank. Baby love shank.
<OOC> Petra says, "I got me a shiv, it's killed about twenty, so hurry up, and-- oh."
<OOC> Jai brings his jukebox money. Also, bandaids.

From afar, Nicolas laughs and wows. I'm growing on you ;)
You paged Nicolas with 'Like a cancer!'
Nicolas pages: That's me!
Nicolas pages: Not even your radioactive personality gets rid of me!

[Public] Lucid says, "Petra is just Our resident mistress of everything :)"
[Public] \ Jai says, "Imperatrix Petra, mistress of the galaxy!"
[Public] Lucid says, "Shes like Xenu, only with tits.. :P"

From afar, Nathan would get aaaaaalllll the ladies.
You paged Nathan with 'He'd never notice if he even got hit on! ;D'
Nathan pages: SO YOU THINK
You paged Nathan with 'Yeah, secretly he's all, 'I see you checking out my Sugar Lumps. But I am TOO MUCH MAN FOR YOU.
Nathan pages: Yes. That's it exactly.

<OOC> Jai totally jumps Sal's pose. Sorry. *^_^*
<OOC> Damian says, "His pose probably liked it"
<OOC> Petra says, "Have you been a NAUGHTY POSE?"
<OOC> Jai says, "I couldn't stop myself. It was just so... mmm. So posey."
<OOC> Joel says, "Late nights on Masq should come with some kind of warning. Or be pay per view."
<OOC> Joel says, "Actually, that's pretty much any time on Masq."
<OOC> Damian says, "Srsly"
<OOC> Petra says, "This pose wouldn't be extra posable, would it? :)"
<OOC> Jai says, "Oh, man, yeah. With that sultry look in its adjectives, and its verbs all coyly arranged...."

  • In response to Nicolas saying Petra is mean:

You paged Nicolas with 'Meeean? I'm like the nicest person EVAR.'
From afar, Nicolas thinks your destruction of the English language there proves me correct ;)

<OOC> Liane says, "I leave you with this! As I'm off doing VERY IMPORTANT NON-TS THINGS with this bottle of sensual massage oil, leather whip and bottle of caramel sauce, Petra suddenly attacks Meg and begins ferociously making out with her. Jai, after thanking his lucky stars, grabs some popcorn to watch, but the buttery smell causes both Meg and Petra to jump him in a buttered and salty sexy threesome. This being WoD, they all fall madly in love with one another, leading to ANGST between them, for it is forbidden to love between the half-demon, half-were, and vampiric thrall! You may assign one another whatever role you'd prefer. :) Natsuki is, obviously, just going to ninja away to her harem and hold this all as blackmail against them. <3"
Liane has left.
<OOC> Meg says, "That was magnificent."
<OOC> Jai says, "Well, my day is made!"

[Public] Damian gasps! Mystery pie out of no where! This is my favorite kind! I'm not even going to question where it came from.
[Public] Damian says, "If I were smarter, I'd be more worried, since I spent all day running horror scenes..."

[Public] Jai says, "I don't want to slap Petra. :("
[Public] Petra says, "No one sane would want to sleep me."
[Public] Petra says, "Slap me, either."
[Public] Jai says, "That was Freudian right there."

Darling pages: Here, I've completed this character, now you app it for me. I don't wanna.
Long distance to Darling: Petra apps it, along with the note, "u do ts hear rite?"
Darling pages: Why I need statstistics and whatnot? I make naked desc already.

You paged Nicolas with 'Though it's the only Klingon I know, so that's my saving grace.'
Nicolas pages: That's not much of a saving grace.

<OOC> Maven says, "A summary of what's going on: William is at the counter, Maven is checking out his books, and they're chatting about computers and physics and other nerdy stuff while Petra is gently mocking us."
<OOC> Petra wouldn't DREAM of mocking you.
<OOC> Petra coughs.
<OOC> Liane says, "She'd just do it."

[Public] Lucid says, "abyss youve missed all the fun!"
[Public] The Abyss says, "What fun did I miss?"
[Public] Petra says, "Hello Kitty vibrators and scary dildos and Petra doing crack!"
[Public] The Abyss says, "So business as usual then?"

Long distance to Darling: Petra is trying to FINALLY finish descing her place. I suuuuuuuuuuck at descing.
Darling pages: I'm gud. > You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike.
You paged Darling with '> EAST'
Darling pages: I don't see that here.
You paged Darling with '> WEST'
Darling pages: The door is locked.
You paged Darling with '> unlock west door'
Darling pages: unlock west door with what?
You paged Darling with '> inventory'
Darling pages: You have a bacon, a sequined jumpsuit, and a dehydrated squid.
You paged Darling with '> wear jumpsuit'
Darling pages: You are now wearing a sequined jumpsuit. Viva Las Vegas!
You paged Darling with '> SOUTH'
Darling pages: I don't know how to go SOUTH
You paged Darling with '> eat bacon'
Darling pages: Mmm.
You paged Darling with '> wear squid'
Darling pages: I don't know how to wear squid.
You paged Darling with '> cry'
Darling pages: Your tears hydrate the squid. It strangles you.
**** YOU HAVE DIED ****

[Public] Natsuki says, "If there is trouble Natsuki will beat them off!"
[Public] Jai says, "o.O"
[Public] Natsuki says, "Oh... geeze... that sounded wrong..."
[Public] Jai is trouble. Ask anyone.

<OOC> Petra says, "I love you all so much. You make me laugh ever so."
<OOC> Zack says, "That's what it's all about. Not the hokey fucking pokey."
<OOC> Liane says, "Unless you're Joel. Then it's all about the hokey fucking pokey. What exactly are you putting in and shaking all about, though...well. Some questions remain unanswered."

Ben pages: Why I don't play a monk: Apparently, "It's Fisting Time!" is not a good battle cry.

[Public] The Elusive Roshanara says, "Liane, I heard you were dead."
[Public] Liane says, "Rosh, I heard you were cute. See? Can't believe everything you hear :)"

[Public] Lucid says, "what if I want to play a werewolf kinfolk that awakened as a mage but then got embraced by a teremere, who then changed his mind and staked me out into the sun, but then a giovanni contact decided to raise me as a ghost"
[Public] Lucid says, "do you accomodate that?"
[Public] Jai says, "No. :)"
[Public] Lucid says, "That is the correct answer :)"
[Public] Joan says, "Sorry, no wraith sphere."
[Public] Lucid says, "no no, NO, is the correct answer. Sorry no wraith is only slightly correct, as it means that you were willing to listen to all of that and didn't just write me off halfway through"
[Public] Petra says, "Heh. I think I like you, Lucid. :)"
[Public] Joan needs a more sarcastic-looking font.

[Public] Liane says, "Yay! More RP-dealers! Oh joyous addiction-enablers!"
[Public] Tyrell says, "Did somebody say dealer?"
[Public] Liane says, "Wrong product."
[Public] Tyrell says, "Ain't nothin' but a supply problem. I'm horizontally integrated."
[Public] Tyrell says, "Holla atcha boy."
[Public] Maven says, "Tyrell, do your future plans include creating sociable hookable content through brand-led cross-platform engaging device agnostic storytelling?"
[Public] Jai says, "I didn't know +langs worked on Public."
[Public] Tyrell stares at Maven, "Hold on, run it back and tell me which one of those words means 'cocaine'."

Darling pages: Sometimes I cry because Mario won't jump when he's supposed to.
Darling pages: I think he's suicidal.
You paged Darling with 'He should get help.'
Darling pages: Yoshi tries, but he's a dinosaur.
Darling pages: And Luigi owes him money so he doesn't come around anymore.
You paged Darling with 'That blackguard. What about the princess?'
Darling pages: She's shacked up with Bowser now. Turns out she wasn't all that kidnapped.
Darling pages: And all the Toads are always getting high on stardust now.
You paged Darling with 'What about the koopa?'
Darling pages: Oh you know, most of them are doing time. The rest are on disability cause Mario injured them on the job.
Darling pages: It's hard out there for a goomba.
Long distance to Darling: Petra laughs. "Also, the bf says, 'The part about the princess is almost certainly true. You ever play those games? Princess Peach can fly. Fuckin' FLY.'"
Darling pages: Yeah, and she can't escape slow ass bowser? Pff.
You paged Darling with 'He says, "She's in another castle 'cause they broke the bed in the old one."'
Darling pages: What's with bowser having all those kids anyway? They ain't got no mama, and he ain't got no wife. That leaves only... THE PRINCESS!
You paged Darling with 'HAHAH. He says, "I always figured he was fostering a lot of them so he could get the government money to fund those castles. But then, I like to imagine *my* Mario is crushing orphans."'
Darling pages: It's much more... poignant. True.

[Public] Quentin says, "I'm just unfamiliar with webpage code of any kind, frankly. I preferred the days when we made cave paintings. I'm a wiz with cave paintings."
[Public] Andrea says, "Cave paintings? Modernist rubbish. I just prefer to separate my amoeboid self in artistic ways, to the accompanyment of a Pink Floyd soundtrack."
[Public] Quentin says, "All in all we're just a mitocondrial wall?"

[Public] Zack volunteers to check the women's locker room.
[Public] Petra volunteers to check Zack's pants.
[Public] Joel says, "Already there."
[Public] Liane says, "Joel's THOROUGHLY searched the area."

At Narisha's urging the staff sets Rhythm's layout to Pandora's Box.
Note that this has changed the places setup!
<OOC> Narisha says, "Such power I have! :)"
<OOC> Kiley says, "I will eventually learn how to do that"
<OOC> Narisha says, "And I think I just talked like Yoda..."
<OOC> Petra says, "Talk like Yoda you did!"
<OOC> Kiley says, "Wouldn't have been Such power have I yes?"
<OOC> Narisha says, "Maybe. I'm not a very good Yoda."
<OOC> Petra says, "Very good Yoda you are not! ...okay, I'll stop now. ;)"
<OOC> Kiley says, "Stop now you will?"
<OOC> Petra says, "BTW, Kiley, .help in here tells you how to change the layout."
<OOC> Kiley says, "Awesome! Thank you! *smiles*"
<OOC> Narisha says, "Gave her the power, you did."
<OOC> Kiley says, "You guys are so bad...bad you guys are."
<OOC> Kiley says, "Just a heads up..I am staying another 30 minutes. I am wiped and it is 3 in the morning."
<OOC> Narisha sbugs and cries. "Cruel time zone, why hath you devided us so."
<OOC> Narisha says, "Or... devided us hath you so, timezone cruel is."
<OOC> Narisha says, "If only Yoda were Shakespeare."
<OOC> Narisha says, "Yoda speaking in inverted iambic pantameter."
<OOC> Jai says, "To be, or not to be, the question that is, mmm?"

To (Joel, Liane, Petra, Jai), Trace pages: Halp... Liane wants me for RP. I'm scared she's gonna chop me up and put me in jars. :(
From afar, to (Trace, Liane, Petra, Jai): Joel wants a jar too!
You paged (Trace, Joel, Liane, Jai) with 'Well, this is a valid concern. Since she did it to me. :( :( :('
To (Petra, Liane, Trace, Joel), Jai pages: Nah, that was me.
You paged (Trace, Joel, Liane, Jai) with 'PLOT TWIST'
To (Petra, Liane, Trace, Joel), Jai pages: MUAHAHAHA! You didn't recognize me in the skirt and gloves!
To (Trace, Liane, Petra, Jai), Joel pages: Skirt and gloves?
To (Trace, Liane, Petra, Jai), Joel pages: Hawt.
To (Petra, Liane, Trace, Joel), Jai pages: You know it!
From afar, to (Trace, Liane, Petra, Jai): Joel would /totally/ recognize you.
To (Petra, Liane, Trace, Joel), Jai pages: Is 'recognize' a euphemism?
To (Petra, Liane, Trace, Joel), Jai pages: If not, can it be?

Joel pages: VIC CAN KNIT
From afar, Joel ouches! My paradigms are shifting!
You paged Joel with 'Your poor poor schema.'
Joel pages: It hurts, Petra! It hurts!

Liane pages: See, Liane and Petra could be such good friends, if Petra wasn't so Petra!

From part of a pose by Liane: Petra looks to be in the bloom of health, unweepy, and generally Petra. They seem to be heading for the shop!
<OOC> Petra says, "I love you, Liane."
<OOC> Liane coughs. "Yes well. That's Petra! We can practically verb her."

<OOC> Ben can smile. And murder while he smiles.
<OOC> Joel says, "Put that shit on your RESUME"
<OOC> Joel says, "Multitasks well"

To (Petra, Zack), Joel pages: Someday Liane is going to look back and wonder where her life went wrong, and all our names will come up.

Zack pages: They're probably too busy making out to respond.
You paged Zack with 'Well, you know Liane. She's a total TS whore.'
You paged Zack with 'With those long skirts and that come hither look.'
Zack pages: Yeah, I didn't really want to say anything but... She's like the bus. Everyone's had a ride.
You paged Zack with 'Seriously. So scandalous.'
From afar, Zack looks for bus money.
You paged Zack with 'Hahaha. She charges now? I thought all rides were on the house. ;)'
Zack pages: Times are tough. The bus needs maintenance now and then.
You paged Zack with 'Boy does it ever.'
Zack pages: I mean, it'll still get you there, don't get me wrong!
You paged Zack with 'It's definitely a bumpy ride, though.'
Zack pages: That's why I always buckle up.
You paged Zack with 'Well, on that kind of bus it's really important. You don't want to end up in an accident.'
You paged Liane with 'Do your ears burn?'
Zack pages: Goodness no! It's practically a death trap.
You paged Zack with 'I've been on more than one of those rides when there's a flat tire, and that's just not what you want out of a ride.'
Zack pages: I was on one where I had to get out and push.
You paged Zack with 'Oh, that's the worst.'
You paged Zack with 'I heard you always ride in the back seat.'
Zack pages: I mean, you get on for a ride, bumpy as it may be, and you don't expect you're going to have to do work.
Zack pages: Only if there isn't room in the front.
You paged Zack with 'Especially on that kind of bus.'
You paged Zack with 'I heard it was pretty roomy, though.'
Zack pages: It's a double-decker. Sometimes I like to go up top.
You paged Zack with 'Well, that can help you not have to sit by someone smelly.'
Zack pages: That's true! And when you're up there you can really see and be seen. If you don't mind that kind of public exposure.
You paged (Zack, Liane) with 'Your good name has been soiled forever, Liane. SOILED.'
To (Liane, Petra), Zack pages: That implies it was ever clean before
To (Petra, Zack), Liane pages: ....what did you DO?
Long distance to (Zack, Liane): Petra blames Zack.
You paged (Zack, Liane) with 'Also busses.'
To (Liane, Petra), Zack pages: It takes two to tango, Petra.
To (Liane, Petra), Zack pages: We could, however, take the bus to the dance.
You paged (Zack, Liane) with 'I heard it was broken down again. Oil leak.'
To (Petra, Liane), Zack pages: Oh yeah, you don't ever want fluids leaking.
You paged (Zack, Liane) with 'This will teach you to never to go afk to get the door again, Liane. Let that be a lesson to you.'
To (Petra, Zack), Liane pages: Btw, NO MAKEOUT SESSIONS
To (Liane, Petra), Zack pages: She says as she comes up for air.
To (Petra, Zack), Liane pages: Zack, you're awful :|
Long distance to (Zack, Liane): Petra sings, "Dun dun dun, ANOTHER ONE RIDES THE BUS!"
To (Petra, Liane), Zack pages: I think I'm quite the opposite of awful, actually!
To (Petra, Zack), Liane pages: Fine, you're awesome, but you make me sad :(
You paged (Zack, Liane) with 'I'm sure he can think of *some* way to cheer you up.'